
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:20:58
甲乙两地相距550km,客车和货车分别从两地向向而行,5h相遇,客车与货车的速度比是5:6,客车与货车的速度分别是多少 客车和货车从甲乙两地相对而行,过了6小时相遇,又过了4小时客车到了,货车还剩200KM,问甲乙两地长多少 甲乙两地相距550km,客车和货车分别从两地相向而行,5h相遇,客车与货车的速度只比是5:6,客车比货车的速度分别是多少 英译中One more thing is that surpermarkets are mostly in the neighborhood of some house. 3.They will study at home___computers.A.in B.to C.on D.from loga^3》 logb^3,且a+b=1,那么 已知a>b>1,且loga^b+logb^a=3/10,则logb^a的值如题 朝花夕拾的《阿长与山海经》我要原文!请知道的朋友帮帮忙了啦! the room is in a safe and quiet neighborhood of Brooklyn 怎么翻译 翻译并填空:On the steps of one building ,a group of engineering seniors gathered ,discussing the exam due to begin in a few ____.On their faces was confidence .This was their last exam —then on to ___and jobs . 泰坦尼克号中杰克与柔丝在最后时刻的英文对白,完整点的 借景抒情诗有哪些?谢谢!拜托了! When that kid Chris, whose house she's going to, made up the chart 请直译. She made the house _______(clean) She wants her p------to make a house w------the shapes. The Olympic Games have never been held before in this country(用they为主语改为主动语态They ______ never ______ the Olympic Games before in this country 借景抒情的句子要50字不要诗歌 借景抒情的诗句有哪些有作者出处 1.如果Loga 3>Logb 3>0 那么a、b的关系及范围.2.如果集合x∈A=>x∈B,则集合A与B的关系是.1.如果Loga 3>Logb 3>0 则,A.0 已知Loga 3>Logb 3>0 那么a、b的关系及范围.A.0 翻译 I would like you to come to my house.What about swimming in the pool? 翻译:discuss all you would like to do with your classmates. 朝花夕拾中阿长与山海经概述内容 《朝花夕拾》内容概括朝花夕拾 十篇散文 概括主要内容 每篇200字左右 速求朝花夕拾的主要内容概括!老师叫写作文,作业太多好麻烦..110字以内. and from then on they ate bread and meat as sandwich did 翻译 英语翻译Why else then would they clone from the star basketeball player,mathematician,and beauty queen--or even dear old add--in the first place.这是一篇关于克隆的文章. from then on,all black people had the right to vote翻译成汉语 鲁迅的《阿长与山海经》中阿长买山海经的过程我看了百度中其他人的回答,简直是乱想象,一:阿长根本不识字 二:我自己都没有见过山海经,自然也不能准确告诉阿长山海经到底是什么样子 求初三三角函数3道选择,三道填空题答案 用谁能说来造句(今天) 朝花夕拾的小引与 《阿长与》的例句点评和分段,