
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:09:44
3.Although he is __________ his late seventies,he is still very healthy.A.at B.on C.by D.in ______i have one healthy habit,______i`m not very healthy 1.although,but 2.although,/3.although,so 4.but,/ although i have healthy habit, but i am not very healthy.这句话的错误在哪儿?小女子个人认为。i have healthy habit,.应该加个a,或者加个s.虽然但是不能一起用。那么就有2个错误了。可是题目说只有一个错误 急求一个英语情景剧剧本,在餐馆,咖啡厅,旅馆都可以!人数大概有5到8人的 时间5分钟或者长点也行, 急求西餐厅/咖啡厅名称,中文英文都可以要求高雅,中英文皆可~ 咯咯哒鸡蛋上的喷码会影响做醋蛋么?鸡蛋上有红色的喷码,我担心做醋蛋会有影响用一般的普通鸡蛋,感觉品质不行啊. fruit . force中文是什么意思? 单选题 1、His grandfather is very healthy.He ________ drinks ________ smokes.单选题 1、His grandfather is very healthy.He ________ drinks ________ smokes.A.both … and B.neither … nor C.neither … or 2、A:________ another piece of chicke his grandfather is old,but he is healthy同义句his grandfather is old ,but he — — — — . week,meat的同音词5个以上 draw things you;d like to do,the places you;d like to visit and the food you;d like to eat的意思 he is very old,,he is quite healthy空格是用but还he is very old,,he is quite healthy空格是用but还是however,如果是but是为什么? 同义句转换 He's very healthy.He is ___ ___ health. 情态动词How do you like the food here?Oh,excellentHow do you like the food here?Oh,excellent,we ___ a better one.A can't find B couldn't have found 为什么? How do you like the food here.同义句 Nancy does her h____ and g____to bed early Tina does her homework and _____ to bed.A.to go B.going C.goes D.go Every night she does her homework at eight and( goes) to bed at nine这是我们考试里面的移到完形填空题的正确答案,我不明白为什么前面有does为什么后面还要用goes而不是go 葱的根特点是什么?萝卜的根特点是什么? 怎样养殖家禽 在你的眼里,美是什么?请照样子写一句话.美是什么?在大地眼里,美是芬芳的花朵;在天空的眼里,美是绚丽的彩虹;在居里夫人的眼里,没事对科学执著的追求.在我的眼里,美是---------------------; Lucy or Lily is doing________homework in the classroom.A.her B.theirLucy nor Tom is doing________homework in the classroom.A.his B.theirEither Lucy nor I am not doing________homework in the classroom now .A.my B.our 有的说根据就近一致原则 英语翻译请问畜禽养殖 的英文是什么? 尽管如此,孩子们依然仍旧很快活,把它叫做“幸福鸟”.怎么修改病句 《我愿是只幸福鸟》表达了作者怎样的情感 想帮咖啡店取个名字,最好有英文的 it is good (relax) by listening to music 用什么形式 Listening to ____ music is quite ___ good way to enjoy yourself.A、the,anB、/,aC、a,aD、the,/ (1)说出下列算法的功能.template struct Binnode { T data; Binnode *prior,*next; }; 用meal或meals填空:Take the medicine after ( ).请告诉我你为什么这么选择?谢谢 After a wonderful meal,the father f_____ thirsty. Your sister is my daughter.I am your________________________.实际填空