
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:49:10
有什么动物和青蛙、蝴蝶一样生长变化很大、 请问青蛙发育方式是不是体外受精,完全变态发育 By the time you get to the airport,she_ for New Zealand.A.would be leaving B.has already left leaving D.will have left为什么不选B 青蛙的发育方式是什么? I think she's been to the bank. 第一次世界大战的背景是什么 英语翻译中药泡脚局部按摩纤脚中式按摩泰式按摩日式按摩皇宫古典按摩刮痧拔火罐xx元/次(xx分钟) I read a lot of books in my free time.I am going to be _ when I am older 请在横线上写2、3个单次. She missed the plane,________ driving very fast to the airport.这个题的选项中though ,如何解释选despite 而不选though,though 做连词有尽管的意思,而且从句也应该可以省略主语和系词. She missed the plane, ________driving very fast to the airport.大神们帮帮忙A. despite B. unless C. though D. without she missed the plane despite driving very fast to the airportshe missed the plane ____ driving very fast to the airportA、despite B、unless C、if D、without为何要选取A, Jane left home half an hour late._______driving very fast to the airport,she missed the plane.A.despite B.for D.without 美国教育心理学的发展历史有哪几个阶段 #43.She missed the plane ___ five d.in用什么,怎么分析的? 心理学历史和美国哪个长? Then she ______ in a hurry.这个空格用left还是moved,为什么?有move in a hurry 的说法,是“匆忙走开”leave in a hurry 是“匆忙离开”。这个句子前面还有:Mary ran towards me with a bright smile ,saying,“I'm going t where did she hurry to then? She g__ at her watch and left in a hurry. In her hurry she__one important item.A.leftB.overlookedC.omittedD.neglected 人在死海中,为什么不会沉? 石头放到死海中能沉下去吗?还有,至今为止, 为什么人躺在死海上不会沉下去?原理是什么? 说一下美国的由来?美国现在建国多久了,它的历史上有什么时间呢? 美国911的由来? I am always amazed when I hear italways的位置 放着行不? 英语:I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sports creates goodwill between the nations 当我听到人们说体育运动可以创造国家之间的友谊时我总是很惊愕 这里为什么要用saying 一首英文歌,女歌手,开头大概是:when you around,I am always smiling...innocent I hear your name ,然后一直有哼唱:was it love,I can't deny;.was it love,I don't know anymore.第二段是:day by day feels like dreaming.was it love... 我要写元旦日记,和刚刚的不一样的 写三件不同事的日记题目应该叫什么 “我是男儿当自强”的“当”1.读几声? Can you don't speak english?我这样说对吗? I don't speak English和I can't speak English有什么不同.每当我和老外讲话超过3句,我就该用到这句话了.到底我是该讲I don't speak English,还是该讲I can't speak English.我想差不多,但想知道有什么不同.每次