
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:22:05
我想起个英文名字,中文名字叫汪浩,要顺口的```好记的```谢谢!小弟在次先谢谢了!我是处女座,90年农历八月初二生日 IS THAT what YOU ARE LOOKING FOR为什么用what 我叫冯粹 想起个简单顺口的英文名字 想请大家帮帮忙 谢谢哦O(∩_∩)O~ what you looking for 和what are you looking for 今天听到一首歌 里面有句歌词是hey what you looking for ,但是感觉语法不对啊 应该是what are you looking for 或者两个说法都对? There are lots of c______ in the sky.Everyone in our family l_____ watching TV except my grandma整句话的意思 Look,there's a big().There ()lots of () in it.急 英语语法,有些逗号后可以用that引导,但有些不可以我不是很理解啊 能用具体例子讲解一下么 你光跟我说什么限制性 非限制性 我还是会晕的 搞不懂啊例如这句,为什么逗号后面可以用tha There are lots of_____(cloud)in the sky To this question,the professor provides the explanation that,now the portrait,the woman with fur collar,is not the original one and in the original picture there were no such errors like this. He had overslept,so that he was late for work.I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat.为什么一个SO THAT前加了逗号一个却没加啊/? at the__________of the party,jane sang and danced with her boyfriend.(begin) need的具体用法 The girls_______[sing]and_______[dance]at the party.What ___she____(found)in the garden last morning?she___(find)a beautitul butte The party was ___success.We sang and danced until it came to ___end at midnightA.a;the B.the an C./ an D.a an With lots of trees and flowers__here and there……to plant,planted,plant,planting 四选一.并说明原因.3Q~ There are lots of people here and lt's c___.根据首字母及句意填单词 with lots of trees and flowers ﹍﹍﹍here and there,the city looks very beautiful.(A)are planted (B) planted (C )to be planted.(D) planting 狼图腾啊狼图腾 qinggege199@163.com 关于狼图腾的问题1.作者姜戎,原名是( ),1967年自愿赴内蒙古( )草原插队,户籍( 2.狼图腾崇拜象征了草原人对( )(天)的崇拜,文中提到了狼有()颗重要的牙齿,草原狼畏惧()的声 求狼图腾 Wolf totem 一段英文介绍 大约2分钟演讲如题 不要太弱智的英文就ok了翻译得好我会重分感谢!有没有适合2分钟左右的介绍啊 不用太长的``` 简练一点! have什么时候否定为haven't什么时候为don't have? 看了那么多解释,我晕都晕死了..麻烦解释的简单通俗点,我这人脑子很容易短路..例如:You needn't do it again.你不需要再做了.这时的need作情态动词讲.可是实义动词中有个用法:人+need+to do那这 the kinds are very happy,and they sing and dance at the_____of the party? What are you looking for I do?有没有“你找我有什么事吗”?的意思?如果没有那要怎么翻译?“你找我有什么事吗”?这句话要怎么说? have的否定形式是haven 他们的到来给我们带来了欢乐 英语翻译 真正的欢乐何时才能到来?英文翻译 most question is this difficult the连词成句dogs the zoo there there are in?这个是什麽呢? 用is,an,story,what,interesting,this(!)连词成句 有写事的作文400字左右秋天的 have no 等于什么?要标准的 看电影学英语怎么学?有木有科学的方法