
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:35:09
英语翻译请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:一般情况下,可穿戴式智能设备会使他人在隐私和安全两个方面同时缺乏安全感. 音标是什么 关于x不等式mx²-(2m+1)x+m-1≥0的解集为A 若A=R,求实数m的取值范围 已知关于x的不等式mx²-mx+(m-1) drinks、stays、apples、throws的音标 likes works starts students says friends newspaper lessons enjoys apples s的音标/s/ /z/ /iz/ 把上面几个归个类.还有以下几个:walls walks boats jeeps knives bikes likes lives does dogs listens lessons photos birds oranges buses凡半 请问apples trees drinks days的准确音标,不确定的不要来! 第8道 交流平台 中的陈景润那道题,快,没时间了是浙江版的 第40页 上面短文中提到陈景润后来摘取了‘数学皇冠上的明珠’,这指的是什么么呢?请你课外收集下相关资料,并简单地记叙下 scared的音标是什么 scared怎么读 scared是什么意思scared 除了是scare的过去分词之外,有形容词的意思吗?在这句中are you scared?是被动还是系表结构? scared 三国演义摘抄我要30篇摘抄分为3类,人物,环境,动作,每个类别10篇每篇篇幅不要太长,200字左右就行请回答者分类清楚,我这次拼出去.100分的悬赏只求30篇摘抄其实4大名著里的都行只要能找到符 摘抄三国演义要长一点 《三国演义》摘抄+感悟100字 三国演义摘录某个片段摘录.随便的.快,快 三国演义中随便几个重要的故事,做摘抄.要有好词,好句,好段,和感受. 半元音字母到底是几个知道元音字母是AEIOU,其他的都是辅音字母.后来却有听说还有半元音字母,有些说是W,又有些说是Y,还有些说两个都是.那半元音字母到底有几个?希望得到权威的答案.为什 w是半元音字母吗?有的书说w y 是半元音字母,有什么标准吗? 音标 :半元音...和拟拼音.半元音是两个吗?哪两个?音标中有拟拼音吗?是不是有3个?哪3个?以前学的差不多都忘了.....印象中也没听过拟拼音,可我在网上找到的却说有...那/w/是什么? 找出26个字母的音标中元音和半元音求求各位大侠了 英语的半元音字母是什么 请帮忙分析下句子结构句子成分Seeing everything remained undone as it had been two hours before,he couldn't help shouting at the maid. 此句成分分析及句子结构谢谢!详细点!The first of the two ships to reach Java after the race had begun was the Thermopylae, but on the Indian Ocean, the Cutty Sark took the lead. 请高手分析一下这句话的句子结构和成分Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 翻译一个句子,顺便分析句子结构跟成分but Nigeria is a very oil rich countryvery oil rich 是一个固定结构吗?可以以这样句型造句是吗?Very _ _ _ 帮小妹做一下英语单选题吧,1 I don”t think I can ever__my teachers for their devoted work,but I can in my turn to my best for my studentsA repay B interrupt C respond D witness2 The conference was an attempt to__discussion of the 请大家一定帮小妹做几道大学英语单选题,31-36 单选题31._______ you missed the train,why not stay for lunch?a、As b、Because c、Now d、Now that 32 Taking photographs inside the museum is _____ forbidden.a、narrowly b、exactly c 哪位高人可以帮小妹做几道大学英语单选题,21-24 单选题21 There are different ways in which people try to deal with the problem of energy.One way is the greater production of common energy sources,such as coal,oil and gas.The troubl 34-36 单选题34.When the boiler ____ many people were hurt by the steam.a、exploited b、explored c、exploded d、explosive 35.Each Indian tribe (部落) had a different language.Many Indians never learned any language except their own.Do you kno 求救,高一英语! 7、8大题,