
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:11:33
晕晕晕的数学题王林同学编制了一个计算程序,当输入任意一个有理数时,显示屏上的结果总等于所输入的这个有理数的绝对值与5的和.若输入-7,这时显示的结果是多少?如果输入某数后,显示的 排列数A2n(在下)11-n(在上)+A n+4 2n= 填空 Many people now think that teachers give students too m___ tests in class and too m___homework a___ school.So children do not have t___ for other activities.If teachers and parents t___to each other about the p___,they could work it o___ toget 英语翻译:如今中药在许多西方国家很受欢迎._____ _____is now_____in many_____ _____. 英语翻译2.the list of goods and closing time3.The marketing and accounting offices are on the secong floor.And we have many other departments:personnel,research,ete.4.I sell all kinds of things.And the shop stays open longer.5.They may crash beca I think there are too many rules in my home 哪里错了还有Tom doesn't like math,too.哪里错了 英语翻译Do you think there is too much noise in our city?Perhaps you do.If you live near an airport,you will probably feel unhappy because of the noise of jet planes(喷气式飞机).It is said that the noise of planes or trains or trucks can 计算根号1又16分子9+根号4又36分子25的值为什么?A,2又12分子5 B,3又12分子5 C,4又12分子7 D,5又12 计算根号下36*25= 根号下(-15)*(-27)=化简:根号下81x的平方y的三次方 根号下8a的三次方b的四次方c的五次方(要过程) 根号下4+25怎么算加减的运算法则是怎么样的,忘记了 计算:根号下4+根号下25-根号下100 求2n元排列2n 1 2n-1 2 2n-2 3 2n-3 .n+1 n的逆序数. 为什么我在做数学题时我头会痛,还很晕 it's( )birthday next week Mike's birthday is on next week对on next week提问 I'm going to ___ (have) a birthday party next week. Tom's going to have a birthday party next week.(改为反义疑问句)Tom's going to have a birthday party next week,_____ _____? I hope Tina( )the birthday party next go to .B.goes toC.will have D.had 已知a,b为常数,若ax+b>0的解集为x 已知a,b,c为常数,若ax+b>0的解集是x a、b为非零常数,若ax+b>0的解集为x 根号16,根号8,根号4,根号1的通项公式是什么 怎样证明在(a+b)n次的展开式中,奇数项的二项式系数的和等于偶数项的二项式系数的和? 设ab为常数,ax+b大于0的解集是x小于四分之一,求bx-a小于0的解集前面的a b是分着的,非乘积形式 sleep 的相关短语 英语翻译Help! 有词组ee并且发音为i:的单词有哪些?至少7个,如see,sleep,tree. go to sleep=那个短语go to sleep=____ _____ sleep a little longer 翻译词组 看到数学题就头晕、怎么办哪? 看上去很晕已知一次函数Y=AX+B的图像与直线Y=-X平行,并且经过点Q(1,4),求该一次函数的表达式, 数学题啊,晕~~~~~~~~~`客.货2车同时从甲,乙2地相对开出,客车每小时行54千米,货车每小时行48千米,2车相遇后,又以原速继续前进,客车到达乙地后立刻返回,货车到达乙地立即返回,2车在距中点37.8