
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 13:14:05
A busy week 的英语作文 50——60字(包括中文)各位要快,今晚要用. You are the one ecause you are in my you are the one of my life 的意思 The manager listened to the customers's complaints attentively with great patience,____to miss anyA not trying B trying not C to try not D not to try答案选择B,想知道理由,以及这句话的意思 Simon is wearing a purple shirt.(对划线部分提问)划线部分:a purple shirt I am wearing a shirt.对划线部分提问 ———— sat 语法题~请问下为什么B选项错误了呢?.我查过有这个用法的呀. You are onIy one in my life 7A第6单元部分练习 6.Jack is ____a green shirt and blue trousers.A.WEAR B.PUTING ON C.WEARINGD.WEAR SAT 语法 有人说这题错是including用法错误,但是我不能理解.In his new book,Quest for Adventure,the renowned British mountaineer Chris Bonington examines the past century’s most remarkable expeditions,profiling such explorers includ You are the one in my 那位大虾能帮帮小弟,一女孩对我说了这么句话,You are the one in my 请大哥大姐们帮帮忙翻译一下.小弟在这里先谢过了 加盟哈根达斯怎么样?哈根达斯加盟费是多少呢? 谁知道哈根达斯的所有种类及英文名称? Jay took a great interest ____music.when he was ____high shool.用什么介词? 哈根达斯是哪来的名字啊? Edison took great ( ) in science when he was still young. A,interest B.intereststake an interest in 是对...产生兴趣,这里的interest应该是可数名词吧,那么上面的是不是就用名词形式呢 关于哈根达斯有什么品系是不冰的嘛?女朋友生日又在亲戚还嘴馋. 关于There would seem to be little that's new here.这句话的语法现象请问这句话是虚拟语气么?具体原理是? Mike liVes in France对划线部分提问 are you die 和 are you dead的区别 His aunt lives in France now.(对划线部分提问)France 是划线部分. you are dead right 中的dead是啥意思原来度娘也不全啊!还是得靠人 爱滴反义词是什么? 中文名是.泽铭.的18岁女孩取什么样的英文名字好呢?希望是和我的名字有关的英文名呢 爱的反义词是什么?保护的反义词是什么? 给一个叫楚铭的女孩子取英文名,要求读音尽量有些相近 请问:(爱)的反义词是什么()?还有(热情)的反义词是什么()? 求一个读音与桦铭相近的英文名如题,我是男生 求一个读音与铭(克铭)相似的英文名 teacher are dealing with exhausted kids in the classroom是什么意思? Because you are in my life What fulls often but never get hurt What fulls often but never get hurt