
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:42:03
put 的过去式和过去分词 put的过去式和过去分词? 英语高手帮我看看这句句子的成分His job is to train swimmers.his是什么成分?to train呢? 帮忙分析两个英语句子成分!第一个The boy who came into the world a short time ago in Bosnia to such international acclaim will be sharing a birthday with a few hundred thousand people and in the next year another eighty million will be j 3棵树上停24只鸟.如果·从第一棵树上飞4只到第2棵树上去,在从第2棵树上飞5只到第3棵树上去,那么3棵树上鸟一样多,三棵树上原来各停多少只鸟? 两个树上共有26只鸟,有6只鸟从一棵树飞到另一棵树,现在两棵树上一共有多少只鸟. 两棵树上共有小鸟35只,从第一棵树飞到第二棵树上8只,又从第二棵树上飞走7只,这时第一棵树上的小鸟是第二棵树上的3倍,原来每棵树上各有多少只小鸟?(不能用方程) I'm that girl who gaves a shit may not 与needn't是同义词吗 同义词和反义词T_T同义词:烘托:嘹亮:反义词:细腻:俯视:茂盛:不知道的太多了T_T aren't(同义词)怎么写aren't(同义词) mister(缩略词)怎么写 let's just speak english from now on中的just有什么作用, I can speak just a little english 英文题.. 快.. Can you speak English? 回答: A.Just a little B.Just a few 第一个人说You can speak English very well,just like a native speaker.第二个人说( )A.I don't think so.B.It's very kind of you to say so. 英语翻译翻译下,别直译,稍微文化点.摆脱了 If I do not know how good that the翻译 英语翻译A dare to sayB dare saying C not dare sayD dared say "crack the nut"的引申意思是什么,别跟我说敲坚果 求拿坚果get the nut 第29攻略,过不去了 p_ _nut (坚果)这里该填哪两个字母? these few days接什么时态 thank you的同义词组 Mr Wang can speak f- English. Mr Wang can speak English ---chineseA as good as Bas better as C as well as Das good as devil nut怎么念 Devil nut是什么牌子?是哪个国家的牌子?有什么历史?越详细越好,谢谢 城隍庙的英文写法? devil nut 在北京哪个商场有卖? 关于DEVIL NUT衣服的价格~达人进~~~最近看到个牌子叫DEVIL NUT.看起来不错,但是不知道价钱怎么样.达人给下具体的价格.我是上海的.谢谢啦.顺便问一下阿童木的皮夹子的价钱.能告诉的告诉一下 though一般放在句尾表示什么意思啊?I'm a little nervous about the trip,though.though一般在句尾表强调么,还有别的意思么?翻译的时候though要被翻译出来么? 英语翻译Once they're put together,though,the finished building performs no better than its predecessors of two or three decades ago.这个though 是对那个成分进行让步的下面的回答不太一致,