
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:11:15
will have 和will be 有什么区别 怎样运用 will be 和 will have的区别如题,希望不要复制,楼下的,不是说不要复制吗。你的答案我刚刚在另一个网站上看到了。===============呵呵================= will be 和will have 的区别,总是弄混 will be,will be和will have的区别 Mr Smith is one of the goreign experts who_____in China. A works B is working C are working D has been working.应该选什么,为什么. you will have a bigger group of people to ————— from,该填什么呀? William Sydney Porter是什么意思 and his great-grandfather was Henry VII of England.怎么读?and his great-grandfather was Henry VII of England这里的VII是英语里面怎么读? henry the Henry's remarks left me ____about his real purpose.A.wonder B.wondered C.to wonder D.wondering 怎样看待封建社会妇女缠足? 现代女性还有类似缠足的行为 妇女缠足是对人身心的摧残,为什莫这种现象却存在了近千年?你有什么看法? 选择It will be sad not to see you during the Christmas holiday( ) families get together.before?when?that?since? During Christmas,people get together and sing Christmas songs for_____.a fun b food c interest d happiness答案为什么是B Because during the festivals,people can get together to eat,drink and have fun with eachother,_______ all the daily struggle and demanding for a while.答案是forgetting.请问这里为什么要填ing?是不是伴随状态? shipping document是什么意思 shipping 知道的朋友请告知,) 关于缠足已缠足的妇女,为什么没有裹脚布就不能走路? 妇女缠足 缠足的过程? 中国的古代女人缠足大都从几岁开始,不缠行吗?什么家庭条件下的可以缠或不缠,得缠多长时间能够缠好,缠好后是不是就不能走路了?请帮忙解答这些问题,谢谢了. 11 really had a good time today 是什么意思 现代女性还有没有类似缠足的残害身体的行为?类似缠足 he really sang good at the party.哪错了?为什么啊 中国封建社会妇女缠足疼不疼啊?何时废除缠足的呢? we duly received shipping documents following shipment.谢谢 英语大神帮帮忙啊,分析下这个句子what he considers做什么成分,我感觉怪怪的n his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology. 古代女性为什么要缠足 古代的缠足有何危害 古代所有女人都缠足吗一般家庭缠足,是为了好看.那穷苦人家呢?吃都吃不饱了还讲究什么美观吗?还每天花那么多时间精力去缠足吗? 中国古代妇女是从什么时候开始缠足的?