
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:59:06
What did the old woman do with the water after she boiled the tea?请问高手们怎么翻译呢? 关于宇宙物质来源的问题质量守恒定律说明物质不可能凭空产生,但所有的物质肯定有一个出现的时候,这些物质是从哪来的,是不是定律在某一时刻是无效的? 安徽财经大学考点2013年上半年bec 中级什么时候开始报名啊 求回答~ 语文阅读该怎么读呢,主要是怎么引申到主题上呢? 英语任务型阅读:写下主题句Fungi may appear almost everywhere.They commonly grow in wet places where they call get food and water easily.Because fungi do not have green leaves to make their own food,but fungi must take their food from ani She teathes English.And she's a ____ good at singing. She has a good m___ and she is good at English 杰克总是使我们发笑.jack always ______ ______ ______. jack often exercises on weekends.对画线部分提问!exercises(画线)( )( )jack often()on weekends? 一个圆柱形水桶,可装水62.8升,已知底面直径是4分米,圆柱的高是多少厘米?请写出算式, products是什么意思,急用~ fairy products是什么意思 dairy products 为什么会有dairy?不是日记的意思吗? 薄的读音 用简练的话概括雾是怎样形成的 甲乙丙三人共存款1800元,当甲取出自己钱数的4/5后,甲乙丙三人存款比是1:3:4,甲原来存款多少元?最好有多种解法! 甲,乙,丙三人共存款1800元,甲取出自己的5分之4后,甲乙丙三人的存款比是1:3;4,甲原来存款多少?” 用蔗糖、奶粉和经蛋白酶水解后的玉米胚芽液,通过乳酸菌发酵可生产新型酸奶,下列相关叙述错误的是A.蔗糖消耗量与乳酸生成量呈正相关B.酸奶出现明显气泡说明有杂菌污染C.应选择处 用自己的话概括雾是怎么形成的.(33字) I can speak English _______ my motherA.better B.as good as C.the best 甲乙两人分别从AB两地同时出发,相向而行,甲车每小时行100KM,乙车每小时行90KM,当乙车行全程22分之9时,甲距离中点还有20KM,AB相距多少千米急 修改病句His mother can hardly speak English ,so can his father 两辆汽车从AB两地同时相对开出,甲每小时行80km,乙每小时行90km,两车在离中点20km处相遇 Nick,would you mind not earing those old jeans?They look terrible.--___.I'll put on another pair.A.Not at all B.Quite sure C.sorry D certainly not我觉得选A, can't,English,my,speak,father(.)连词成句 一个圆柱,底面直径是10dm,若高增加2cm,侧面积增加多少平方厘米?体积增加多少立方分米? would you mind not wearing those old jeans.They look terrible.--___.I will put on another pair.ANot at all. B Sorry C Certainly not.选哪,为什么其他两项不对?谢谢、 两个底面积相等的圆柱,一个圆柱的高为3.体积为42立方分米.另一个圆柱的高为4分米,体积是多少立方分米? Nick,would you mind ___ those old jeans? They look terrible.A. not to wear B.not wear C.wearing not D.not wearing “Would you mind not w___ those old jeans?" "OK.I'll put on another pair." “Would you mind not w___ those old jeans?" "OK.I'll put on another pair."请问横线上应填什么? poster 什么意思