
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:06:00
There's an empt-y space still left in my 英语与美语的差别 一技之() ()里淘金要,和后面成语的第一个字组合成一个地名 we are friends,aren't we 这么说正确么? 为什么smell有smelt和smelled两种过去式和过去分词?意思一样吗? smell 的过去式和过去分词是什么? After she won the dance competition,she found herself ____ of a celebrity in her community.老师,这句话答案用something,为什么啊? smell的过去式和过去分词 选择 1.These are our parcels.___on the shelves.a.Their b.Theirs c.They're2.Yesterday I__home at five o'clock.a.go b.went c.went to3.A child__his parents,"i am happy today." a.say b.says c.says to4.It's seven.It's time___breakfast.a.for b./ c.to5.I “问女何所思”是倒装句,应为( ) 英语 不解的完型选项The competitors from the People's Republic of China________the games for the first time.A.take part in B.go to C.joined in D.joined逐个说明 几个关于英语的选项.1、Is it windy today?—No,it's___.A.sunny B.rain C.snow2、____is the weather tomorrow?—Rainy.请说明选项,并且说明为什么这么选,也就是说明原因,第二题的选项是:A.What B.When C.How 型的英文怎样打 英语 37选项的因 英语翻译广场中央伫立着一座宏伟的纪念碑 巧用地名填成语口若悬什么 谁能把“默契”的英文写法给我发过来 英语完型,(太长了希望你们去搜索下回答给20分了)开头是这个:I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it,when I was 13.My parents took us there for camping.On the way out,I asked them to wait while I r 同求求回答这是一道英语完型填空 美国北方和南方有口音分化吗 写出下列动词的现在进行时和过去式1.act2.drop3.arrive4.get off5.carry6.happen7.chase8.read9.check10.ride11.crash12.sleep13.cross14.take15.date16.wait for 在美国南方口音是不是很土标准的南方口音,比如Alabama或者Texas,这种托长的音在美国会不会很土?请了结事实的达人们给与解答,不知道的请别浪费大家的时间了, 为什么美国南部口音和英国底层阶级说话口音很像?觉得《阿甘正传》里的口音和《窈窕淑女》里赫本没被改造前的口音很像,从历史上来讲,是不是有什么关系呢? 《爸爸的花儿落了》中的几个“硬着头皮”换成书面语言 硬着头皮是口头语,还可以换成哪个相近的四字词语? 一个DC12的继电器,我用DC12 1.5A电源供电为什么继电器会发热 DC12电源怎么增压到14V 1-------his father would come back from abroad ,his eyes lit with delightAwhen hearingBwhen he heardChearingDon hearing2DO you remember -------he came Awhich it was thatBhow it was thatCwhy was it thatDhow was it that 这个后面不应该是陈述 They're both convinced that a sudden passion joined them.Such certainty is beautiful,but uncertainty is more beautiful still. 是什么意思咧!知道吗? dc18v电源负极可以和dc12电源负极接一起么 摄像机电源的若干问题!1:DC12V5A的电源给DC12V1A的摄像机供电会出现什么情况?2:DC12V5A的电源(不考虑压降和电流损耗)能带动多少台DC12V1A的摄像机?3:DC12V0.8A的电源给DC12V1A的摄像机供电会 1.That's a good way ____ (keep) them happy1.That's a good way ____ (keep) them happy2.keeping practicing is good for ____(imprave) my English3.Mr.Brown will go fishing if it ____(not rain)tomorrow4.Do you often volunteer ____(help) your neighbor5.wha