
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:02:10
Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.这句翻译有点难! 英语翻译Please give us an example when you exceeded expectations. 请问ADK是什么牌子的珠宝? RESOURCES文件夹是干什么的啊占了4G多内存 我要的不是这个解释,我要的是关于广告,媒体的那个ADK. what medicine?should i take?i have regular headache.i am an office ladydoinglots of paper work what medication?no translationanswer it.. 论文答辩会问哪些问题? 论文答辩会问些什么问题呢? Never give up my goal “立论"这篇文章的答案 本人国庆忘记带语文书了.急需语文书后面《多思善想,学习选取立论的角度》的5道练习题的题目.人教版高中语文必修三.有什么理想,最遥远的距离,等等. 作文中“乐学多思”的例子 巧能生妙用英语怎么说马上就要 急 大四的论文答辩是什么意思,都有什么内容呢?回答什么问题还是什么的? 改变个单词中一个字母(加.减.替换字母),变成代表动物的名词1.log2.how3.pear 改变各单词中一个字母(加,减,替换字母)变成8个表示动物的单词.dish( ) pen( ) box( ) how( ) pin( ) pear( ) house( ) car( ) 改变一个字母,使单词成为一个动物名词coat car sleep house ball big box thick 好巧啊!用英语怎么说求地道说法 ball改变一个字母,使单词成为一个动物名词记住是动物名词啊! Kunming is a____city.The ____is fine.横线写什么 Chang chun is named sping city in___横线上应该填什么(要符合初三水平的) The campus is different from how it was 20 years ago.(校园同20年前相比已经大不相同了.)请问各位朋友,how引导是什么从句?how在从句充当什么成份、什么意思? Miss Green is the (winner) of the Pop singer of Year Miss Brown is the ---(win) of the pop singer of the Year Ward.Peter is 150cm tall.Mike is150cm,too.(改为同义句)Mike is as ---- as Peter.Tim likes fishing and Tom likes fishing,too.(改同义句)---- Tim ----Tom ----- fishing. 用英语怎么说真不巧啊 “我爱上了一个不存在的人”翻译成这样正不正确?I has fall in love with a man that does not exist. 怎么判断一个男的是不是处 举例说明在地图设计中如何应用色彩的感受效应 平面设计色彩要怎么搭配怎么使用啊? 荷兰说的是什么语言!荷兰语?还是英语?学哪个好点..照你这么说,荷兰人普遍应该是说荷兰语的咯! There should have.--Translate to MandarinIs this correct?Please provide correct answer.There should have= 哪里应该有. You stay with us.Translate to MandarinWhat is the meaning of "stay"You stay with us.(1)stay=同在?may i know the "stay" more detail.or (2)stay = 住在一起?