
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:26:46
求新视野大学英语泛读教程第二版第一册第六单元第二篇和第八单元第二篇的翻译 27.与象共舞预习 不许捣乱板书、词语解释、多音字、近义词、反义词、课文问题、质疑、启发(就是感悟),做到以上几点, 怎么预习课文 what- on- is- it- 连词成句 青树翠蔓 蒙络摇缀是对偶句吗如题 What--(be)the price of them 用适当形式填空 Remember to give the call phone back to Mr Tang.(改为同义句) Remember to give the call phone back to Mr Tang.改为同义句 Make ___ to___ the call phone to Mr Tang ensued是vi吗?跟ensued with是连用 还是 with.做介词短语充当状语呢?A time-consuming protest ensued with a tremendous language barrier eventually beingbridged by my teacher. 旧的英语怎么读?反义词:new-( )old应该对young ClF3的构型最好提供一个模型 关于SO42-,CO32-,ClF3这类分子离子的构型问题用价电子对互斥很容易可以算出中心原子杂化类型,但接下来有问题了,好比SO42-,S最外层一共就两个未成对电子,怎么去跟四个O成键,如果把两个电子加 ClF3氧化性比ClF5强,哪位能给讲下原因,是构型还是别的原因 ClF3分子立体结构 This cell phone is ___, if ___ the cell phone I had stolen last week.A. good...better B. as good...better than C. as good as...not better than D. better than...as good as Whose cell phone is this?It belongs to( ).Whose cell phone is this?It belongs to( ).A.I B .me C.my D.mine the girl is very happy.her mother is going to buy a cell phone for her.(合为一句) what's the price of the dictionary?(改为同义句) 2)What”s the price of the sweater?(改为同义句 What I want is to get my cell phone翻译成中文 well if you want to meet just send me your phone number and i will call you. you want to know Nick's mobile phone number.的意思 即兴评述老年人为年轻人让座这件事,对此你有何看法? What's the price of the hat?的同义句是什么? wanted的ed和excited的ed读音一样吗? What's the price of the bag?(写出同义句)_______ _______ is the bag?填空 一空一词 cooked和listened的ed发音一样么? with 伴随状语用法 with 做伴随状语时..with 后面可以加句子吗? with引导的伴随状语用法 with 作伴随状语时(比如a man with his hands in his pockets,just sat there with his mouth open),后面跟的词应该是什么形式呢?我总是不太会用, 新目标英语2012的words and expressions in each unit和vocabulary index哪一个属于课后单词表?我们作业就是抄课后单词表,请速速准确回答