
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:10:23
已知定义域在(-1,1)上的函数是fx上是减函数,且f(a-1)d>(2a),求a的取值范围 If you love someone,let them go.If they return,they were always yours.If they don't,they never were. they 和them与your和yours的关系一样吗,是否都是主宾格关系 his parents love____,but they donot play them.(sport,sports) There are two boys______(talk) under the tree. They always listen to them () high volumeA.in B.on C.at D.among There are ( )under the tree A.three Chinese B.three Chineses C.three sheeps D.three Germen they don't like the naughty boy because he always k___ them.单词填写,急. There are two boys_____(sit) under the big tree There are three children play under the tree.(改正错误) he`s a little bit____,but we like him very much.he is very ____in our team.英语填空 用比例解,算术解都要 第六题用解例比例和算术方法解 They are my good friends改为单数句 There is a boy (under the big tree).就括号里的提问. There is a boy (standing){ under a big tree}?是不是现在进行时?并分别以( ){ }里内容进行提问. There is a boy under the tree,怎样改为疑问句 We must make our planet much ( ) beautiful .写出原因 We must make our planet greener.(看英文总结重点.)列举出来.例:1、…… 2、…… …… we must try to make our school beautiful为什么用to 已知函数y=loga(x^2+mx-m)(a>0,a/=1),就下列条件分别求实数m的取值范围:⑴当值域为R;⑵当定义域为Ra大于0;a不得于0 UK PORT是什么港口 日本和英国都有许多优良港口,英国是什么港,日本是什么港是世界著名的啊? 用语文是造句例句:文化是汉字,是唐诗宋词,是滋养着中华山水神韵的国画,是王羲之的兰亭集序第一书法,是名家梅兰芳先生的悠扬的唱腔. 用····想····想···一···就想···想···造句 一道数学方程画图像为题.如下图: 变成否定句,一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定句.(1)there is a bike under the tree.(2)there are some apple trees in front of the house.(3)there was a football match yesterday afternoon.(4)there were some people in the street 世界海港分布图 I was born in Beijing on March 12th 把 in Beijing on March 12th画上线 对画线部分提问 我在两本不同的英语辅导资料上看到的:1.She was born in March 8,1997. 2.She was born on May 4,1997.哪个句子的介词是对的?速度.明天中考考英语.提前感谢帮助我的人. 用上“哪儿...哪儿.不管...不管...总是...” 根据年的不同意思用“年”造句:1.年纪、岁数:2.年景、收成: