
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:52:38
请问该怎么填Monday is my__(busy) of the week. Saturday is my_(busy)day in a week. full length article什么意思 the machine () satisfactory after being testedThe machine __ satisfactory after being tested.A has proved B has been proved C has been provenD is prove 选哪个?为什么? 英语专业欧洲文化问答题:Why could Europe lead the world in many ways after the 17th century?急求急求这道考研欧洲文化大题的答案~查了好多资料也找不到答案……(请好心人帮帮忙,用英语回答,希望尽 语法好的帮忙一个小题,He took the part-time job _______.to build up experiencefor building up experience填这两个都可以吗?可不可以用for 为了积累经验他作了一份兼职的工作.he took the part-time job to build up the experience..英语翻译的对吗 “boot"is British English for the trunk of a car此句中 for 还能用什么借此替代?打错~介词 What is the meaning of 'R' in the car 英语翻译There are many ways to explore the reef - from a dive boat,a yacht,a coral viewing boat complete with glass bottom,a sea kayak,snorkelling or from the air. 英语翻译 Can you give me you all part? 中文意思 like后接什么词? I'd like to ...后接什么词? Lisa's father thinks she was born to play golf because she is very____.She can work on one small thing for hours.A)patient B)strong C)happy D)heavy how can you do this.how can you want to leave us.how can you willing to give up my grandma and grandpa This is ____stree in Shanghai A)busy B)busier C)busiest D)the busiestThis is ____stree in Shanghai A)busy B)busier C)busiest D)the busiest 从未见过面的人用英语怎么说 He is easy to be fat句中的to be fat作什么成分? 在电脑上工作翻译成英语怎么写 i believe the author to be him.请分析句子成分,尤其是to be him如题,选最合理的解释为最佳答案, 填上动词:晚饭后,爸爸( )报,妈妈( )毛衣. 什么叫至诚之道 ()母亲 ()添动词 赤子之心至诚之道的下一句是什么如题 妈妈把桌子收拾得干干净净.(把句子中的动词写具体) 特洛伊木马计是谁想出来的?特洛伊之战真的仅仅是为了海伦么?还有没有别的原因? 英语翻译给公司做牌子,要英文的翻译,知道的给翻译下, reach,leave for的区别 到底是秋夜洛城闻笛还是春夜洛城闻笛班里闹了半天也没闹懂.哀.班里闹了半天也没闹懂。但老师说教师用书上是春夜洛城闻笛,知识集锦上说是秋夜洛城闻笛。到底是啥? 请问,是《秋夜洛城闻笛》还是《春夜洛城闻笛》?这首诗作于哪个季节? 此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情.出自《春夜洛城闻笛》还是《秋夜洛城闻笛》