
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:50:52
如图在等腰直角三角形ABC中,点D是边BC的中点,过点D的直线分别交AB,AC于点M,N若向量AM=x向量AB,向量AN=y向量AC,x>0,y>0,则2x+4y的最小值是 在三角形ABC中,点O是BC的中点,过点O的直线交AB,AC于不同的两点M,N.若AB向量等于m倍AM,AC向量等于n倍AB向量等于m倍AM,AC向量等于n倍AN.求m+n的值【向量法解答】向量AO=AB+BO=AB+1/2BC= AB+1/2*(AC-AB)= 1/2*(A 英语翻译regardless of the variablity of these procedures,however,one party assumes management responsibility for the field construction process 填幻方 都得3根据图(1)中给出的数,对照完成图(2);试着自己找出9个不同的数,完成图(3)【由于没有图三所以麻烦你们自己发一个】 英语翻译Dead loads are defined as fixed,nonmovable loads of a permanent nature which can be divided into two categories:(1) self-weight of the structure and (2) superimposed dead loads.The self-weight of the structure includes all beams,girders,c on-the-road 英语翻译Engineering materialsTypes of materials Materials may be grouped inseveral ways.Scientists often classify materials by their stste:solid,liguid,or gas ,they also separate them into organic and inorganic materials.For industrial purposes , 英语翻译VI.Volume,velocity and integrity testing will be completed as specified in SOP #XXX,“Certification of HEPA Filters in HVAC System”.VII.Pressure testing will be completed as specified in SOP #XXX,"Routine Monitoring Program Pressure Di off-the-job training rebate是什么意思 什么是On-the-job 英语翻译请高手把这段工程英语,Abstract:The implementation of projects is an important stage in the life cycle of major construction projects.The economic goal of projects entirely come true through cost control.so it is particularly impo 英语翻译Analysis to the Cost Control of Engineering Project,At present,China's market economic system has been gradually established and is developing rapidly.Large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises are facing mechanisms to make them more 翻译句子:we focus on what we want instead of what we have If you___yourself to the job at hand ,you will soon finish it.A.apply B.request C.focus D.use为什么选A?at hand怎么解释.分析一下句子吧.其中隐藏了什么词组么? focus on怎么译 they just focus on whether you will be able to cover this job or not.神马意思.尤其是 cover这个词 英语翻译类似以劳动的内在或外在(?)的什么关系来翻译的话? 英语翻译 英语翻译是否可以翻译成人事工作? 英语翻译orientation dates are to be confirmed for 2014 and will be forwarded to you at a later date.it's important that you arrive at la trobe university in time to attend your enrolment session and university orientation at your campus. 3a是表示3个a相乘还是3个a相加? My dream job!写一个梦想的工作的演讲稿,最好跟商业business有关.没有字数要求,只是要演讲五分钟!小弟这是跪求答案!最好配上中文翻译 my dream job(在线等...急——)根据提示,用5至7句话写一篇有关我理想中的职业的短文...1.What do you want to be when you grow up?2.How did you become interest in it?/What are you interest in?3.What are you good at?4.Do you th My dream job 急~~~~~~~~~一篇关于想当作家的,加点其他的也行,100词以上!恩...能不能...加点翻译啊......嘿嘿~ 英语作文“My Dream Job"提示:(1)想成为一名记者(2)打算给报纸写文章(3)高中以后想去北京上大学(4)想在一家电台工作并环游世界 以“My Dream Job”为题的英文作文提示:1.想成为一名记者 2.打算给报纸,杂志写文章 3.高中毕业后想去北京上大学4.想在一家电视台工作并环游世界给我读好题了 十字交叉相乘数学方法谁会?指教 数学中的十字相乘谁能教我啊?怎么因式分解啊? off-the-Job Injuries 中文意思是什么? △abc中,oa平分∠bac,∠1=∠2,求证:△abc为等腰三角形 off job get the