
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:36:10
一道有争议的英语单选My mother bought ______ for me yesterday.A.a pair of glassesB.a pair of glassC.a glassesD.a glass(争议在于A、D,似乎都可以)a glsss 作“一个玻璃杯”来理解不也行吗?玻璃杯 到底可不可数 1.eating well and ____can keep you _____.A.more exercise ,healthy.B.exercising more ,healthC.exercising more ,healthy.D.more exercise ,healthWhat do you think of this movie after you saw it I think it is the most interesting movie __ i have __ seen.A 男女对唱英文歌开头是love wonder side,里面还有stronger than you,stronger than i,谁知道歌名男女对唱英文歌开头是love wonder side,里面还有stronger than you,stronger than i,还有i want never meet you,请问谁知道歌名 为什么到处都找不到 Raleigh Ritchie 唱的这首Stronger Than Ever的歌词专辑《Black and Blue EP》 英语翻译最近超喜欢她的歌~就是不能完全理解,PS谢绝自动翻译!You should be stronger than meYou've been here 7 years longer than meDon't you know you're supposed to be the manNot pale in comparison to who you think I amYou always 1.____ the students in our school go to college in their teens.A good many B.A great many of C.A用a lot of行不行呢? in our school a small n_____ of students go to school by bus. There are many students in our school.怎样变成一般疑问句many 用不用变化成any?本次呼和浩特市赛罕区五年级英语期末考试中出现了这样的题,教师争议较大,我觉得many不变,但是许多老师认为many要 面试时如何介绍最成功的事和最失败的事 写一件自己经历失败最后努力成功的事详写自己失败,成功时的神情,心里描写,不少于600字. 为什么我很少可以成功地做一件事情,为什么我总是遇到挫折 在焊PCB板时过孔是否要用焊锡封掉?如题,过孔是否要焊?即用焊锡封住?PCB板的元器件是否一般放在顶层? 焊接时有一层膜在焊锡的点上以前没有的,今天焊时有一层膜,颜色也不太对了,但焊点电阻正常的 PCB浸焊时 ,焊点的焊锡太少是怎么回事 为什么,因为狗非常可爱.他它的英文翻译 many thousands of还是many thousand of?不是three thousand这样说吗?two ______(thousand)of the books are sold out. 关于many thousand 和many thousands of 1.( )books must be produced for the children.A.Many thousands of B.Many thousand2.a correct sentence:In a few years' time,it will be covered with many thousands of trees.答案上第一题选的是B,为什么 many thousands of 与many thousand哪个对?字典上既有several thousands of 又有several thousand的表达方式,难道many就不行吗? many thousands of trees 和several hundred students的问题1:many( )trees should be planted on the mountains.A:thousand B:thousand of C:thousands D:thousands of2:in our school several( )students are able to search the internet for useful infor many thousands of students 这个短语对吗 many 可以修饰thousands of我觉得以前讲过many 数词 不可以修饰thousands of 童趣解释 铁素体与马氏体根本的不同处? 一件失败的事给我的启发 长大不容易(写一件自己在成长中的烦恼,挫折,困惑的事)怎样选材 闺蜜的诗句,请文笔好的大师帮帮我天长地久,天使早就疯透,冰川霜花白.何时不天真,梦里花落知多少、爱、怜、宽.左手宽心右手镇馨翅膀随着恒心.【请文笔好的大师帮帮我,写三段这样格式 文笔( ).填适当的词语 英语翻译He was no scholar,and his classmates teased him.Rather than read,the kid really preferred running around with an 8 mm camera,shooting homemade movies of wrecks of his Lionel train set (which he showed to friends for a small fee).In his so 英语翻译 请问..."让斑马线成为幸福岛"的英语怎么写?..只要这个的英文... 想问一下最近关于英国的事情.最近英国一直在要不要退出欧盟的问题上,退出欧盟对英国有什么影响.英国是因为国内经济不景气,在欧盟的税收过重而且退出欧盟可以得到美国的帮助?美国是 当你做一件事情总是失败,有点灰心时,你会用哪句名言来劝慰自己,让自己树立信心? 澳大利亚有袋鼠但是有袋人吗rt