
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:57:41
上英语课注意力不集中怎么办我很想学 好英语的 怎么上英语课更加新颖.让他们都能集中注意力的.要能扯到“A day in my life”这个主题的. that's a good ideal 翻译 We must try our best to help them___difficulty.A.out from B.throught C.out of D.out off 以心态为话题写一篇一分钟的英文短文、 science 有复数形式吗? 听说大学英语四级又改革了?改为机试? but what was the good of that翻译此句 不可是中国式英语 现在大学英语四级是机测还是笔试?我听说要改革了,全用机测, 把英语学好是一件好事.(用It's good to do sth.结构翻译) 四级什么时候用机试考 请问可以给我someone to fall back on 的钢琴谱吗?有的话请发going7393@yahoo.com.tw (用介词填空)Is that medicine ( ) her? Jim showed great interest ()[填一介词] science.讲清楚为什么, That is the photo_her family.在横线上填介词 Linda's best report was() her science teacher 填介词 怎么练习英语四级.我都大四了,可是英语四级还没有过,觉得有点迷茫!我想问下练习英语听力 听写用什么资料呢?还有阅读?我十一月份还报了英语四级上机考试?可否告诉我下有什么体型?怎 英语四级应该怎么练习? 英语四级训练我现在在做英语四级练习,听别人说英语四级经常做不完,想知道一下,做题的目标多少,即阅读要几分钟完成,要对几个,听力,选词填空,完型,快速阅读,仔细阅读 下列句子中各有一处错误,请将其改正过来.1.Are you in class two?2.Are these your trousers?Yes,these are.3.There are something under the car.4.Are you going to swim?Yes,I'm.5.There isn't some bread.我来回答 求高手解答.~~~改正下列英语句子中的错误~A crow was thirst.He was looking for water everywhere . 1. ( ) . Finally he saw a bottle in that there was2. ( ) a little water.And the bottleneck was long and 诉求一份网络语言文化的弊大于利的辩论稿. 网络语言对语言发展弊大于利辩论稿,急求...急!急! Mr.Jackson is very busy,but he is always ready to help __ .A others B other C another D the othMr.Jackson is very busy,but he is always ready to help __ .A others B other C another D the other为什么? 英语作文 教育的目的是什么? 立场:网络语言对中国语言文化的利大于弊(反方:弊大于利) 跪求辩词RT立场很抽搐,目前只有一个“丰富语言,优胜劣汰,利大于弊”Blablabla的论点,不够用……于是求各种辩词论据论点以及 Only——the work without others's helpOnly finish you the work without others's helpA:can you finish B:do you finish C:you can finish D:finish you His work is to help other.这句话对吗?还是要改为His work is helping others 我曾经似乎做到过类似第一种句子 网络利大于弊辩论稿明天要!块快! The girl dressed ____(her) quickly without any other's help ln what other do you think dogs are able to help people?中文 It is difficult for ____ (they) to finish the work without any helpThe Luck Fairy ___(appear) at lastPlease help _____ (you) to make a cake ,will you?