
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:00:50
根据音标,写出相对应的字母[ei][i:][e][ai][ju][a:] 含ei i:e ju ai 音素的字母 i: 26个字母音标中有哪些?同样 e ei ai e ə əu 26个字母的音标中[ei][i:][e][ai][ju][a:],有一个是[ou]还是[əu]? 这应该是个玩具吧,有没有朋友知道这个是什么名字的玩具?在哪里有卖的?谢谢各位大神了. 求大神解答 特别是有童年的八零后 这是什么玩具 求权志龙Black 的音译歌词和中文翻译 Every bean has its black. 解释~~~~~~~~~~~求解释 李孝利Black Bean FM是怎么回事,是李孝利做了广播主持吗? black bean sauce是什么汁啊? 26字母的音素表 ei/ /i:/ /e/ /ai/ /ou/ /ju:/ /a:/ 五年级下册第六单元作文 题目要我们家的生活变化 要写爷爷奶奶时代的衣食住行,爸爸妈妈时代的 ,我时代的三个时代的衣食住行 My classroom is great look!look!My classroom is great!Board,board,blacblack.window,window,clean,wall,wall,white,light,light,bright刚刚没发完。 爸爸妈妈的童年zhenshi There is a blackboard in my classroom 求翻译 体验爸爸妈妈的童年生活 日记600字 体验爸爸妈妈的童年生活 日记 内容:不吃肉 发到1427838626的QQ邮箱里 用my classroom为题写英文作文,有翻译 英语翻译我的教室里有四十套桌椅,他们摆在教室的中间,在桌椅前有一个讲台,讲台的后面就是黑板.窗户则是在教室左面.左上角是图书角,里面是同学捐的各种各样的书.卫生角在教室的左下角 英语作文《My classroom》(我的教室) 不要太长,有个7、8句,30个单词就够了 { 附中文翻译} 童年趣事的作文素材我们要写一篇作文,要写的是童年趣事,800字以上,我哪有什么趣事啊!所以,大家帮我想一两件能够攒成800来字的作文素材,(不要作文,做要素材,也就是事件的主要内容)我 写关于“童年”的作文有哪些素材? 要以“童年”为主题的作文材料(有作文也好)急啊~快.要确切的,不要抄袭的,做好是原作! 有关童年或现在生活发现的作文发现是生活中的,最后还得说发现问题的原理,结构按照《童年的发现》来 Sky Ferreira与权志龙合作的black 的英文歌词是什么 the sun's gone dim and the sky's turned black的全部歌词,最好附中文翻译.发现蛮好听的. Fly,fly in the sky.这首歌的英文歌词和中文翻译 求一篇回忆童年生活的作文 谁知道有关回忆童年生活的文章?(文学家的) 阅读理解 One day Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with ten children. He is very surprised bec阅读理解 One day Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with ten children. He is very surprised because all the children are wearing the same clot 阅读理解 One day Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with ten children.He is very surprised阅读理解One day Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with ten children.He is very surprised because all the children are wearing the same clothes—whit Mr Brown is 70 years old. One day he went to his ___ . He said he had an ache ___his left leg. The dMr Brown is 70 years old. One day he went to his ___ . He said he had an ache ___his left leg. The doctor looked over (检查) his leg, but couldn’ One day Mr.Brown and his wife went s___.They drove the car b____they had a lot of things to buy.They stopped the car in front of the s____.An hour l___they came back to the c____with a lot of things.Then the trouble started .They couldn't o___the car