
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:33:25
仿写句子:时间好比一个良师,他能教我们一直流血的伤口 例朋友是成功路上的一位良师,热情地将你引向阳光地带. 朋友是( ),( ). 《山中访友》 面对“我”热情的招呼,山中的这些朋友会如何回答呢?请你发挥想象,在横线上填写合适的句子山泉回答道:“-----------------------------------------------------------溪流回答道:“------- nowadays,many people like to send short_____through mobile phones to greet each other A information B news C messages D notes 不可以是information吗 Many people send messages to each other by MSN改为同义句 The MP4 palyer belongs to Kate改为同义句 竞选英语科代表的演讲稿我刚上初一,想当一次英语科代表来.不用英语,只用中文就行。200字左右, 造句快乐/忧愁、顺境/逆境、得意/失意 造句 用“相辅相成,良师好友和息息相通”三个词语造句 用”苦难”造句1.用”苦难”一词,并以此为中心,扩展成一段文字,要运用比喻,排比两种两种修辞手法 热情怎么造句 many people like cars made in shanhai为什么made前不加were How much did people make in the year 2000? (per household per year) 中文意思?make在这里是什么意思 People make friends in many different ways.What do you think is a good way to make new friends?Use specific details and examples in your response.写一小段就行,大概四五十秒口语~ 关于竞选班干部的演讲稿,快,八点以前,两分钟的,英语科代表,要生动!要生动,具体,事例最好不用,用————表示事例, 英语竞选演讲稿1 2 简单介绍自己以及你的竞选优势,比如为人热情,善于交际 非常喜欢说英语 英语已过四级 曾协助老师组织过好几次英语相关的活动3如果当选,你会如何组织好协会活动 “今生我最爱的女人”用英语怎么说 does,what,Amy,lunch,for,friday,have,on怎么造句? What time does the man usually have lunch?A.At about 1:00.B.At about 1:30.C.At about 12:00. before the chinese new year comes,everyone buys many t(),and people often makd a s()kind of foodcalled dumplings and some other nice food.根据首字母填空,并译一下全句 There are many people ______(庆祝 Chinese New Year in the word. The Chinese people often have ____breakfast on New Year's Day.A.big B.a bag C.the bag D.the small 求原因!1 人的一生会经历很多人和事,一旦错过就不会再回头,英语怎么说 曾经错过的人 用英语怎么说? 内涵的同义词是什么 有些东西错过了,就是一辈子英语怎么说 同义词或意思相近的hand outA hand in B hand down C give sb.sth.D with a free handput upA hang B put away C put out D have deskmate 的意思是什么?它的同义词是什么? 跟死亡一个意思的同义词是? 1.It's time ___lunch A.for B.to C.fiur have 2.What____he do on sunday A.do B.does C.is3.The kite ____a bird A.look like B.cikes look C.looks like D.looke likes4._____bikes are there under the tree?There are foutA.How many B.How much C.How5.She Hen gu 这些词的确切意思或同义词是什么?误置引为回航累有救赎 Tom wants his parents to____some of his after-school activities.He needs more free timeA cut down B cut out C cut up D cut into Tom wants to eat some apples(同义句)改为Tom ---- ---- ----- -----some apples