
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:13:18
double standard是什么意思? 关于double standard的解释,还有例子~在英语中有double standard 这个词组 意思为双重标准,这个解释有点太抽象了,能给我一个例子吗? 名词短语翻译?the message of the Libyan experience to other countries under pressure to give upBut the message of the Libyan experience to other countries under pressure to give up their arsenals may not be the one Washington intends.翻译?But 英语翻译1 make up of 2 contribute to 3 take control of4 differ..from...5 combine...with..6 turn into7 consist of8 lead to9 stand for10 distinguish...from 英语翻译compliance pressure points是一个ppt里面的,这个ppt是讲如何掌控某一部具体法律的风险,总标题是Managing FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)Risks.第一页标题是Agenda,然后下面列了四个,第一个就是Comp they put pressure on him to make the dicision翻译成中文 关于PRESSURE 的单词词组可以不带PRESSURE这个单词只要意思有关就行 1.There is a call for you.(改为一般疑问句) 2.Are they haveing English class?(作肯定回答)3.Can l speak to him,please?(作肯定回答) 怎么查4级准考证号码? 不知道准考证号怎么查四级 英语翻译who is most at risk from the hazardous effects of thi chemical? 英语手抄报,主题:Noational day 手抄报主题为English Day 内容写什么? 如何做英语手抄报主题是:naitonal day It won't be long_( )human beings are cloned.A since B after C before D once 现在做事情老是粗心啊,怎么办?我是做环境方面的,主要是跟文字打交道...最近感觉自己老是出错,神经都紧张了...有大侠可以给点建议吗? 我现在不知道为什么变的很粗心,老是做错事情,老被领导训话,我该怎么做才能变的细心?我希望能给我些有建设性的意见. the student,_____at the way the question were put,didn't know the answers to themsurprised为什么? 我的脑子有问题,做事情非常的粗心一些很简答的问题上,我老是很粗心,总是做错了,才发现原因是多么的可笑,我想改掉,怎么办 The students,______ at the way the questions were put,did not know the answers to them.1:The students,______ at the way the questions were put,did not know the answers to them.a、surprisedb、their being surprisedc、they being surprisedd、them s The students,( ) at the way the questions were put,didn't know the answers to them.B surprised CThe students,( ) at the way the questions were put,didn't know the answers to them.B surprisedC their being surprised 中国打到意大利的国际长途电话每分钟多少钱? 英语句子(5句)(想象力丰富者进)1.Winter is a seasom when____________________.2.Spring is a time of the year when______________________.3.Mother's Day is the day when _________________________.4.A birthday is a day when______________ 最近觉得自己做事效率大不如从前不知道为什么总是很粗心 有没有什么方法可以保证在做完一件事情不受到批评 我不知道为什么自己做事总是粗心,我想做大事之前先把小事做好,请问怎么克服这个毛病呢今天我办工作是领导就批评我了,我知道自己毛病很多,不知道怎么克服,一切根源就是粗心,我想做个 我很粗心 想贴张标语提醒自己 请问我该写些什么提醒自己? 中国传统知识分子具有哪些独有的可贵品质 你眼里的知识分子应该具有什么样子的素质和品格? 中国传统文人视梅花为花中“——————————” quite的副词 quite是什么副词 quite 是程度副词啊!