
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 21:55:55
滕王阁序第二段是从哪些角度写景的 和写景有什么异同? 这是一个借景抒情的美文,是从写景,意境,感情三个方面进行赏析 扩写成200字左右的短文,(写景)滕王阁序片段正值雨过天睛,虹消云散,色彩缤纷,空间明朗.落霞与孤雁一起飞翔,秋水和长天连成一片.傍晚渔舟中传出的歌声,响彻彭蠡湖滨,雁群感到寒意而发 《滕王阁序》其中有两句很有名的写景句子是 十年文革发生了什么? 钡的活泼性处于钾和钠之间,钡不可以从氢氧化钠溶液中置换出钠吗? 名词解释:无记名投票拜托各位大神 12v3w的灯泡,和12V6W的灯泡串联那一个更亮?怎样判断?有过程的希望你,能帮我写下来, advice和way是近义词,还是和suggestion是近义词?suggestion是不是可数名词? suggestion 可数吗 怎样上好初中物理的讲评课 将I used to worry that I could't pass the English test改为同义句 that I couldn't pass 可用什么代替 The test was so difficult that I couldn't pass it用“too.to”改写 Yes, let's assume that I couldn't roll up and live times pass, The fine々 object weep.翻译成中文Yes, let's assume that I couldn't roll up £ and live times pass, The fine々 object weep.翻译成中文. suggestion 一般情况下是可数还是不可数的 Did you seen any films recently?改错 have you ever seen_____english films.yes,i've already seen____some;more/ any;them/ any;one/ some;it 怎么选 English has become a communication———— for people from different countries.21.__ English has become a communication__ for people from different countries.A.merit B.stream C.enjoyment D.medium22.__During the eight years of war,many people__ th 语法选择:People from different countries___understand each other at all.A.cannot B.may notC.should not D.must not原因 Is( )zhang ziyi?( ),( )zhao wei2Hello!( )name(   )jau Chou.Nice to meet you!nice to meet you,too3(   )(   )he from?He is from shanghai 适当形式填空 Zhang Ziyi is one of_______(famous)_______(act) in our country.改错China is famous on its delicious food.The teacher asked us to write a 8-hundred-word composition in class.Sandy was reading his bike while she fell off and hurt h zhang ziyi is thinking about ________(make )a new movie in hollywood 怎么填空 people _____ different countries may not be able to understand each other. 答案上是A 为什么啊?people _____ different countries may not be able to understand each other.A.from B.come C.come from D.with 碱能溶于酸,是不是可能碱跟酸反应,生成物溶入水,或者是碱能够直接溶入酸 My English is i_____.I am sure I can pass the test.填一个英文单词. 单面钢化中空玻璃合片时破碎玻璃面积在2.5-3平方米之间的4毫米平板玻璃与5毫米钢化玻璃合片成为中空玻璃时(复合胶条制作),4毫米平板玻璃顺向立边中部由边缘与复合胶条接触部位向内 yard是什么意思 60-yard是什么意思啊? truck yard sun