
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:29:06
She is feiengly ( )all of us 括号里填什么选项?A.to B.for C.with D.at 将8个棱长是2厘米的正方体堆在地面,怎样才能使露在外面的面积最小,是多少? 将6个棱长为30厘米的正方体堆放在地面上,怎样堆放才使露在外面的面积最小?最小面积是多少? 已知关于XY的方程式,X+2Y=6,2X+Y=3K,且X+Y is,Hangzhou,from,boy,the,China 连词成句 There are a many beautiful women in I()后面填什么?she has beautiful e()后面填什么? 化简:√(7+4√3)+√(7-4√3) Are your books in your backpack?No,t______a______.They are on the desk.根据首字母填单词,填什么? Look!Some books are on the desk,some are in the backpack,and ____ (other) are under it. x²-2x-3=0 分解因式 There are m ( ) buses than before in our city.It's convenient for people to go out There are many foreign______(busy)in our city,and many people work here. 体积相同的实心铜球和木球放在水平桌面上,铜球静止,木球在桌面上做匀速直线运动,则 铜球的机械能一定小于木球的机械能只想问这个选项哪里错了?看参考书上说是因为没有选定零势能面 be born with the body of a runner等于什么 the desks in our classroom are bigger than ones in yours 怎么改错 The library of our school is much bigger than ___of yours A.one B.this C.that D.those理由也讲一下 2x^3+x^2+1=0的解法~求详解!好的加分··· 两桶油共重54千克,两桶油的重量正好是两个连续偶数的和.这两桶油各重多少千克?(列方程解答) 两桶油共重54千克,两桶油的重量正好是两个连续偶数的和,这两桶油各重多少千克? 甲乙两堆煤共重35吨,如果各用掉五分之一,甲队还剩下十二吨.乙堆还剩多少吨? 两桶油共重54千克,两桶油的重量正好是两个连续偶数的和.这两桶油各重多少千克? 两桶油共重54,两桶油的重量正好是两个连续偶的禾.这两桶油各重多少千克?(列方程解答) 有两桶油重量是54,两桶油的重量刚好是连续的偶数是 解分式方程(超简单的哦)100/X+(220-100)/(X+10)=4求X等于多少? 解分式方程(简单)x-2/x+2 - 16/x的平方-4 = 1 得多少 最好有过程.不过不知道为什么就是算不对 算了2遍都等于-4 be born into和be born of的区别 be born,be born to do sth.和be born of有什么区别? be born in 与be born of 的区别?两者后可否都加family , 这种分式方程要怎么解 求方法 drug 关于drug store的意思drug store= pharmacy但是美语中是杂货店的意思.这个"杂货店"是指grocery或是daily-use sundry goods shop吗?还是就是卖药的杂货店? WALGREENS DRUG STORE怎么样