
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:10:13
그다지、별로、그리、그렇게的区别,具体 사랑이 그렇게 쉬워 사랑이 (정말) 그렇게 쉬워?加 空气中移动的小亮点是什么是偶尔能看见的有点发亮,直径大概2-3mm的小光团突然面前出现,游移伸出手,绕两下,就进入手里面了很怪的 说不清都···只是问问有人知道那是什么吗?有人也见过 show us his stamps 要精准 这些动词的过去时是什么?go take have has eat hang see say hear maat make fly am is are get win carry stop 我有急用要快. 查一下动词的过去时把所有的动词不定时写出,和过去分词. We can touch and feei ( ) our hands a rainbow is not a thing which we can feel with our hands as we can feel a flower 的中文意思 앞으로 he said he had enough inventions in his mind to give him another 100 years of work翻译 公元439年,()统一北方,十六国时期结束,北朝开始,()年,北朝结束 the king showed us his clothes改为同义句 the two men showed the king histhe two men showed the king his new clothea (改为同义句) They showed the king his magic clothes. There were some flowers in front of the house.They showed the king his magic clothes.改成同义句 There were some flowers in front of the house. 改成一般疑问句 有五胡十六国纪元年表吗 new,the,walked,the,clothes,king,through,city,his,in连词成句. 英语的宾语,谓语指是哪些?现在完成时,过去完成时,一般过去时各指什么?be什么时候后面动词加ing?宾语从句,谓语从句是什么? 初中语文改病句(只有一句正确,请改正其他的)1 随着城市化进程,越来越多的农民告别了自己的耕地,为了减轻城郊失地农民的负担,当地政府采取了一系列措施.2 近三年来,我市加大农业科技 初中语文改病句(只有一句是错的,请改正)1. 为了让蜜蜂有足够飞体力干活,蜂农用人造养料等高能食品喂养蜜蜂,这严重损害了秘方的健康,使全世界的蜜蜂数量呈不断减少的趋势.2. 范跑 我不但信任他,而且以前反对过他的人,现在也信任他了.并说明为什么. 秦赵之间发生了激烈的____之战 캄차카 카카오是什么意思 카카오是什么 카카오톡是什么啊?聊天用的吗? 选择 We___riding bikes very B.likes C.are like 疯狂猜歌六个英文字母歌名答案是什么 六个字母答案 动词的过去时1.think 2.know 3.hurt 4.hit 5.shake 6.feel 7.spend 8.give 9.fight 10.draw 11.set 12.cut 13.leave 14.sell 过去时动词He could't help laughing when he heard the result.这里为什么help不用过去时? 公元200年发生的官渡之战的作战双方是 给书房写一副对联,让读者读出你的人格修养和志趣抱负