
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:49:19
I thought you were present at the meeting.so we did/ 还是so we were The woman used the cloth to make a dress.(改为被动语态) Two years ago we used that machine to make shoes for children.(改为被动语态)下面是Two years ago that machine ————shoes forchildren. Living in a city can't ( ) living in a country.A.be compared to B.compare with c.compare to为什么答案是B不是要be compared with吗? 打雷的时候看电视或玩电脑行吗? 打雷的时候能玩电脑看电视吗?打雷的时候都不可以开电视和玩电脑 那网吧那么多台电脑怎么没打坏呢?那里是不是安了避雷针?我们家可以安避雷针吗? 打雷能玩电脑 英语翻译我要地道的美国口语,或者英国口语,说的最随便最方言化的那种~不要正规书面语言 Our teacher is going to have me_the desk with you.A:sitB:seatC:shareD:study答案选C,为什么 he was in seventh grade--the other six team members were alleight-graders翻译 陈妙芳的英文名是什么 — I always waiting for youqio求翻译 These shoes are too big .Do you have a smaller_______?A.one B.ones C.pairs D.pair我认为答案为B,可是报纸上答案为D,这是08年天津大港区中考题给一个比较详细的原因 If these shoes are too big,ask him to bring you a small ( ) A.one B suit C.pair D.ones 49.If these shoes are too big,ask the clerk to bring you a smaller _D_.A suit B set C one D pair为什么不选C? The old man in the room is ___worth____.A.well,looking after B.very,to be looked afterC.very,being looking after D.well,being looked after根据be worth doing我选A,可答案是D.这个词组不是本身有被动含义吗?可be worth doing不是主 I got a letter from an old classmate of mine this morning,改为同意句. 翻译 It's better to have online course than traditional ones翻译这句话 然后以这句话写一篇英语作文 谢谢~ 星际争霸1 four countries war f x[[ 怎么选红球RT,顺便告诉我密集(其他方格的兵怎么选),追加100分(说话算数) i am writing this letter to thank you for teaching me english this summeri am writing this letter to thank you for teaching me english this summer宾语补足语是TO thank you for teahcing me english 分析这个句子的成分 英语作文开头这样写行不行:Writing this letter,I intend to. 如何把中文名字翻译成英文名字,我叫王亚楠,意思要有公主 A.for;protect B.against;protect C.for;to protect D.to The soldier fought __the enemy __his country.A.for;protect B.against;protect C.for;to protect D.to 鱼雷特击 IN ENEMY COUNTRY怎么样 the south korean president killed himself .His d____ shocked the whole country. COUNTRY AND THE CITY怎么样 村坝这段时间天气温度大体多少度! 村坝清柳这段时间天气温度大体多少度! ___ , the players began the game .A.Having taken our seats B. After we had taken our seats C.Being take the seats D.Taking the seats the players selected from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game.the living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already laid for a meal to be cooked.select和lay为什么用过去式 _________ the players tried their best to win the game for their country. A. Greatly encouraged B. Having greatly encouraged C. To be greatly encouraged D. When encouraging 为什么选A sj good person歌词中韩和译音~还有谁唱的~