
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:32:56
be quiet的同义句,( )( )quiet,please. Remember____put your thing away after class 生活中被人误解和误解别人的事太多了,根据下面的情境.作文 behaviors是什么意思 His sister is a member of the rock band.改为同义句His sister ___ ___ the rock band outstanding leadership的意思越详细越好...越快越棒... His sister is a member of the rock band.同义句 His sister () () the rock band. position of leadership是什么意思 汽车上distance to 脑子短路中... (青出于蓝)是什么意思 青出于蓝而胜与蓝 后半句 青出于蓝的后半句是什么? 写雨的侧面描写句子 The delegation flew from London to New York.(保持原句意思不变).The delegation traveled from London to New York_____ ______. be famous for和 be famous of的区别 眉开眼笑的近义词. 写五个“眉开眼笑”的近义词 侧面描写的句子各位是聪明的来,帮我解决的侧面描写的问题,谢谢哈!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 15课【心声】 求两句侧面描写的句子 急 1 侧面描写人物的句子要一段一段的,要长一点 从侧面描写老师的句子 New York is the largest city in the USA.如何改为同义句? Birmingham is the largest city in Britain____ London.A.nearB.nearbyC.next to D.beside New York is the largest city in the USA(改为同义句)New York is the largest city in the USA.New York is __ __ __ __ city in the USA. be famous with 周到的近义词和反义词 期待 ,映现.周到近义词没 轧钢中液压控制系统AGC是什么意思是不是一个英文的缩写? AMPON的产品介绍中都有AGC ON的标示,还有这个功能有什么用? 亲密的近义词是什么词 亲密的近义词