
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:16:53
老绿的反义词是什么红啊 仿句不怕一万,就怕万一万一与一万相反常用语 It is _____(health)for us to eat too much meat. E_________ too much meat is bad for your health meat+++is++heip,++but++too++much++meat+is+bad++for++our++health是什么意思 Only needs a Germany to hug 什么意思昂?只需要一德拥抱什么意思昂? 1.It is not a serious accident; the car needs only some _____ repairs.A.major B.minor C.secondary D.primary2..With the population explosion,scientists will have to ____ new methods of increasing the world’s food supply.A.lead to B.carry out C.come It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some ____ repairs.A.major B.secondary C.minor D.primary 变形计中的赵迪是哪期的? 变形计赵迪是第几期 《变形计》中,赵迪的是哪几期? 我听过一首英文歌,里面的歌词翻译成中文好像是:我有一辆破旧的自行车 you'd better ___(eat)more meat because you're heavy.是填 not eat 怎么不能填don't eat 说明理由 谢 Do you have a coat that will fit me?本句中that是什么意思? 英语翻译NO matter how you think,i will always ragard you as a friend of mine!Maybe there is a diastance.I can't forget you!Though we are far apart,you will be in my heart!Perhaps forever~单词错了几个,重新写一遍 真的懂意大利语 我叫吴婷婷,想取个英文名,大概5-6个字母左右 To give you a message,see if you 许嵩都给谁写过歌?就是许嵩作词作曲别人唱的,除了金莎的你的嘴和相思垢.谢谢! 英语翻译这是设计师们的办公室.主要是“设计师们的”,怎么翻译? 土地规划师如何翻译 许嵩以前唱过的歌,单曲,差不多在没出名之前唱的, Why do you give him a kite?改为否定疑问句谢谢谢谢 雅思 剑5 Test4 听力 高手给些指正 我的答案老是不正规2题 答案“between 9 and 9.30/9-9.30”我写成了“9:00-9:30”5题 答案“North-West” 我写成了“northwest”7题 答案“(a) (real) granden”我写成了“r 刚做的剑7 test4阅读,郁闷死了test123都错在八题以内,test4错了13个!各位是不是也觉得test4的阅读相对难一些呢?还是我阅读瞬间下降了.郁闷 How do “good ”health habits differ in America and China?How do “ bad ”health habits differ in America and China?Do you exercise regularly? 2.How do Christmas celebrations differ from the Spring Festival celebrations in China?Which is your 中文译德语·紧急求助各位大神,十分紧急·希望不要用翻译软件翻译···谢谢···“是的,是寄到我的中国地址,请问大概什么时候可以寄到,因为我打算7月左右办理签证,中国签证时间比较长, 托福口语题库是和作文题库一样的么 Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut.为什么用be cut 直接用cut不行吗?let sth done 和let sth be done 区别是什么let sth done 本身不就是被动的意思吗 1._______(Mr Green) brother is a worker.2.He_______ (like) _______ (run)in the morning. if you finish the reading passage,i can give you another one( 把another one)换成A all else B one more C more one D other she is had her hair cut in really nice a( )跟据首字母填空 飞跑的英文(run like a d_____)“d”开头的啊,today答案必须到!