
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:49:32
解方程.2(x-1)³=-4分之125 2(x-1)³=-125/4 解方程 在线等 解方程 1/x-1=2/x-2 解方程:x³+√3 x²+(2√3 -1)x+3-√3=0 8(x-1)三次方=256解方程 检验解方程x+5.6=9.42x=1.6x÷12=6这3道的解方程和检验都打全了给5分 解方程〈检验〉1.〈X+3〉/5=1.6 2X+3X=189不好意思,我搞错了,第二个是6X+3X=189 要写好点格式 ,列好啊 解方程并检验(1)4X=24.4 (2)12+X=13(3)X除1.2=5这3道的解方程和检验都打全了给5分*(如果有时间,可以告诉我检验一般是依据什么写的.)* 五年级上册数学黄冈小状元43页解方程 解方程:43-x=38 x÷4.5=1.2 43-x=38的方程的解加检验 14X/3=16.38 怎么解方程 (183-×-38)×2+4=x x-5%x=38(解方程救过程写出来) -x+(-1.38)+27=21.38 x=? 已知-21.38=x+(-1.38)+27,则x=多少?已知-21.38=-x+(-1.38)+27,则x=多少? x/(x+50)=38/50怎么解? x+27=2.5解的过程 快啊x+27=2.5x解得过程 解怎么解7(x-3)+3=38 英语作业明天交!补全对话.Frank和Dale是好朋友,他们有很长时间没有见面了.Frank:Hello,Dale.Dale:1,Frank.Frank:I’m3,thanks.Dale:5.1:( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( ) 一.连词成句1.did it make what with you 2.shopping the on bought they things the list3.from do the where come things 4.for are us they bad二.完形填空1.i ___(go)to the fridge and opened the door.2.cut the sandwich in two _______(piece)3.what_ 英语句型转换.Can I help you?(改为同义句)This sweater is green(改为复数)He likes this T-shirt(改为否定句)The boy ——under the tree——is Li Lei(对线里面的提问)what's the price of the skirt(改为同义句 哇啊啊啊啊啊啊我不想写英语作业啊啊啊 英语翻译we must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life,that given a planet only approximately like our own,life is almost certain to start.Of all the planets in our own solar system,we are now pretty certain the Earth 中考考点集中练语境选择1.(05南京)—Haven’t I told you that I don’t like sugar in coffee?—Yes ,but I ______ less than I usually do.A.was putting B.put C.will put D.had put2.(05镇江)—The maths problem isn’t easy for Jack to 英语翻译ANNELIESEAll my life l ve always wantedTo have one day just for me Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to beWith no lessons,lords,or lunches Or to-do list in the wayNo one tosay when to eat or read or leave or stayThat would be the 斟酌光影有木有错别字? 语文题啊啊啊啊中国石拱桥第五段,这段文字在全篇课文中起什么作用? 1.下列句子中没有错别字的一项是 ( )A.只有孵出了鱼苗,而最终只有一条幼鱼渡过难关.B.微微地一阵暖意,小雪花满足而温柔地溶化了.C.一个物种在新的环境中必然尊循物竞天择的法则.D.头发立 语文题目啊啊啊每个人都应该具有独立思考和独立判断事物真伪的能力,同时也应该具有怀疑的能力.这句话是针对________来说的,“独立思考能力”是指__________________,“独立判断能力”是指____ 语文题啊啊啊啊啊 道德文明伴我成长作文