
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 11:27:35
all kinds of music OR every kind of musicall kinds of music 还是 every kind of music哪个对 或者都可以 为什么 Did you swim across the river last week?为什么不用现在完成时?上句出自新概念第一册90课原文Did you swim across the river last week?Yes,I swam across the river last week.What about Ron and Betty?They haven't swum across the river cow是不可数吗 a kind of play in which words are often sung to music是什么单词 The largest whale _____ (weigh)about 200 tons.填weigh 还是weight 为什么? Elephants weigh about 6 tons.用weight如何变同义句 A big blue whale is 100 feet long and weigh up 150 tons.(对划线部分提问)划线部分 100 feet long and weigh up 150 tons ———  ——— is a big blue whale? contents 怎么拼 英语作文——《a kind of instrument》怎么写? contents什么意思? 关于reason的定语从句缺状语The reason _____ he was late this morning is that.老师说这里缺状语,所以要用why,那缺的这个状语是什么 如何翻译这个状语 open里的p读"p"还是"b"? OPEN OPEN P/R什么意思 Some dinosaurs weighed as___as 100 tons 填much还填many为什么? The stone each ___ as much as two tons.A.weighs B.are weighed C.weigh D.is weighed与 each of the stones ___ as much as 的区别 Those stones,each weighing as much as four tons,came from the Alps Mountains.现在分词weighing在句中什么作用?定语?这是一道选择题,为什么不选动词不定式to weigh these stones,each___as much asfour tons,came from the Alps Mountains..A.weighted B.weighs C.to weigh D.weighing选哪个?为什么? some stones which were used to build the pyramids weigh__fifteen tons.为啥填as much as而非asmany as3Q~ block contents是啥意思 the conditions of the theorem are complex and are not easy to verify. 英语:s和p、s和t连在一起组词的时候是不是p变成“b”的音,t变成“的”的音?有特殊情况吗?还是只要它们在一起就一定是读“b”和“d”的音? s后面的p发|b|的音么?还有什么类似的发音规律? 是不是所有s后面接t 都要变d的音例如station ,student 是要变的,distort,manifestation要变吗? 列宁是个怎样的人 s后面的p,t,k等清辅音都相应的发作浊辅音b,d,g,但为什么旅游卫视里有个节目DISCOVERY中K要发/k/的音不发/g 3个小合起来的字怎么读 求歌词里有we can be be hero we can save the world tonight的dj歌曲求给 Who's Gonna Save The World Tonight 什么歌曲 同义句转换:I weigh over 100 tons.= I ___ ___ over 100 tons .请教这两个空白怎么填 翻译:沿着香港街走,在新公园向左转 _____ _____ Hongkong Street and ______ _____ at New Park. It may be over 30 metres long and weigh 125 tons.翻译