
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:27:13
商务着装礼仪 用英语怎么说? 关于set up词组的问题,The primary school in that village _____ in 1995 with the help of some young pepole.A、was set upB、was put upC、was found D、was made答案已知是A,但偶想found也有“建立”的的14,放在这里也8算错,但 My watch is blue (对blue提问) ------ ------ ---------- watch? the color( )my watch blue.填什么 the old lady _____blue is blind.(填介词) is my watch ____the lost found case (填介词) 英语翻译 英语翻译摘要:保障性住房质量管理是一个系统工程.本文从阐述保障性住房质量管理特点入手,深入分析了当前保障性住房质量形势及突出问题,并提出了加强保障性住房质量管理的对策措施. 谁能帮我翻译一下内容,急用!谢谢 英语翻译 摩天轮是顺时针转还是逆时针转?我一直在纠结这个问题```麻烦各位知道的好心人告诉我一下``` build sb up造句 It is said that some girls are_____(terrify)of spiders.就是必然保养一辆车要25分钟,可时间一直是24分59秒,不会往下减.为什么!不要理会上个补充! That said,some of my real world applications were built in that...That said,some of my real world applications were built in that style,especially the simpler ones.What is also important to say is that however much I wanted to build very powerful,wel 改错 What the other subjects do you likeWhat the other subjects do you like?Who are the children waiting there? What( )subjects do you like?A.else B.other C.others D.another 为什麼What ____subjects do you like 要用other而不是else? They are going to leave (next Tueasday) 提问 连词成句:Lucy go does the often to with sister park her.把单词连成一句通顺的话. Does you mother always buy _____ bread evey week?------Yes,i often go shopping with her.A.many B,a lot C .much D.some 新概念2课文1-20急! he left me alone to unpackto unpack是不定式做宾补? relax relaxed relaxing区别及词性及例子 英语翻译Saya sangat benci orang pura-pura orang baik .di sini saya dah tau siapa orang macam i cakap tu.pergìmati sahaja LingNing is in the Dancing Club 同义句转换 l am in the computer Club.该写成同义句l am___ ___ ___ the computer Club 在横线里填空 英语翻译2.13 Not to change or transfer any existing telephone number at the premises without the prior written consent of the landlord or his agent.Such written consent will not be unreasonably withheld.Where such written consent is given,the ten 英语翻译1.做作业要花他两个小时(用上it take,spend,cost三种)2.他花了10元钱买了这本练习(用上spend,pay,cost三种) 英语翻译I am writing to remind you that the deadline for meeting the conditions of your offer of admission is June 30,2012.The conditions of your offer are clearly outlined in your offer letter so please review it carefully to ensure that you com 英语翻译这句话英文怎么说呀:“出口免抵退中不得抵扣的部分” 英语翻译论题 我国企业应对新出口退税政策变革的策略英文摘要的翻译为出口退税政策是指国家为增加出口商品的竞争力,由税务部门将商品所包含间接税退还给出口商,从而使出口商品以不 my mother alawys ___ on Sunday.A.does some shopping B.go shopping C.goes shopping