
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:47:05
This is his bike 改为同义ju ls this his coat?的同义句 学会谅解这篇议论文的中心论点是什么? 《列夫托尔斯泰》是几年级里有的课本?是小学的么? Helen ate a lot of delicious t____Chinese food We went sightseeing and ate at the d_____.The food was very delicious. 读史使人明智 回顾党的奋斗历史 对我们有什么启示 “好”这个意思可以用不同的词语来表达,就要看怎么搭配.天气好可以说天气( )例如:成绩好可以说成绩(优秀)天气好可以说天气( );心情好可以说心情( );态度好可以说态度( He swims faster than ______ boy in his class.A.any B.the other C.all the other D.any other为什么选d?b和c为什么不对? 实验的意思 找错 1 Jim is as stronger as the othen boys.2 Do the boy run faster than the girl?3 Mike doesn't swims kite higher than Jim4 Is Yang Ling's kite higher than Liu Tao5 Helen is doing better in skate than Nancy6 Your mother and your aunt look both you He and his father a__ the same 填空写什么词语? “生旦净末丑”的纂体字怎么写 米山念什么 生物--基因在染色体上--如何推导出相对性状的基因在X染色体上?为什么在Y染色体上就没有呢?这个结果是如何推导出的?各位哥哥姐姐叔叔阿姨帮一下啦 X染色体上都有什么基因? John bought an expensive walkman ___the money his father had given him.A.with B.byC.in D.through 决定智商的基因都是X染色体上吗?有什么依据? 物理填空题,急求正确答案!甲同学的心率是72次/分,他用自己的心率测量乙同学跑100米所用时间,甲同学的脉搏跳动了20次,乙同学跑完100米所用时间是____秒.请说明怎么算的!!!!!!!!! 愉快的笑的词语(两个字的!带有笑字)阴险的笑的词语(两个字的!带有笑字) 雪峰山的地理,风景,气候还有特有稀有动植物. 雪峰山附近地理环境 急求英语电影配音素材 求英文电影配音素材4个女生,最好有台词 根据汉语提示填空1树袋熊总是喜欢白天睡觉而在夜间吃树叶2你的爸爸是做什么工作的?他是一位教师,他非常友善.3为什么大家都喜欢放音乐呢?因为音乐可以让人放松.来的都是....... 汉语提示填空do you have_______ ________book about it?你还有其他任何关于这方面的书吗if you give me once chance,i will do it better.如果你再给我一次机会,我会做得更好he________come bank __________yesterday他直到 英语 汉语提示填空My young sister is an ______(用脑筋的) student. 根据中文提示填空The robot also has two arms __(链接) to its chest 英语翻译Biodiesel,produced from vegetable oils and animal fats,is rather an attractive alternative for its biodegradable,nontoxic and clean renewable characteristics as well as the similar properties to the conventional diesel fuels. 英语翻译By comparing the diffraction peak positions and relative intensities of the present samples with those of H2Ti2O5H2O from the JCPD Standards (bottom of Figure 5),it was determined that layered A2Ti2O5H2O titanate should be the structure a 英语翻译Facile synthesis of pure TiO2 (B) nanofibers doped with gold nanoparticles and solar photocatalytic activities nanofibers