
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 05:49:19
能帮我翻译下这些英文说什么吗?Error #dpci450warrantyData:'5VP4ACRL 9SL154-302', country:'CHINA', productNumber:'9SL154-302', y:'4', x:'41', customerNumber:'', serialNumber:'5VP4ACRL'Wed Jun 16 06:03:18 CDT 2010Invalid Security CodeThe en ___ is dangerous ___ (cross) the street Be careful when you cross this very busy street.If not,you may ( ) run over by a car.A have B get C become D turn为什么不用have run,street,the,dangerous,on,it,busy,is,to.造句. 那位好心的同学发几份往年英语四级听力给我吧,mp3格式的, 菲律宾我就擦你妈,这句话用英文怎么说! show me the wanders can be true这句话是啥意思? 树的年轮,鱼鳞上的圈圈,是什么常识 风,从水中掠过,留下粼粼波纹;阳光,从云中穿过,留下丝丝温暖;岁月,从树林中走过,留下圈圈年轮……求出处 关于思想的名句 萧伯纳说的那个 思想交换的原文是什么?英国大文豪箫伯纳说:"你我是朋友,各拿一个苹果,彼此交换,交换后 ...你有一种思想,我也有一种思想,彼此交流,那么,我们每个人就有 英语翻译 Bush怎么翻译? 英语初一 英语翻译People at weekends go walking and camping in the country ,called "Bush" 一首英文的歌,两个男的唱的,i never thought that dream came ture but you show me that it do好像其中一个还是迈克尔杰克逊 I’ ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show And I thought that bein strong meant neverlosin your self-control that true,but u never now.请问这句怎么翻译 You never thought that a Girl could be strong Now I'll show you How to go on I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show And I thought that bein' strong meant never l Would you mind doing the dishes?A certainly.B sorry,I won't.C Ok,I'll doing them in a minute.D Piease don't.答案是C为什么,请说明原因,please 打错了 C应该是do 关于汽车模型制作动力问题近期我们要做个汽车模型,要求能跑80米,中途需要穿过障碍,动力方面不能采用现成的动力系统,如电机,也不能采用燃烧、爆炸方式来做驱动,比如汽油机、柴油机.如 2010年1月29日全球最大的太阳能动力船“星球太阳号”,它的最大排水量60吨,则它收到的最大浮力是多少N? 风从水上走过,留下粼粼波纹;( ),( );哨鸽从天空飞过,留下串串欢韵;( ),( ).填合适的句子 风从水上走过,留下粼粼波纹;鸽子从天空飞过,留下串串欢韵.仿写:花丛春走过,( );叶从夏走过,( ).然后再写一句 布什在911事件之后12小时的演讲题目是什么 请问哪里可以下布什911五周年讲话?mp3的就行了,如果有视频的话更好~ Do you mind me doing sth还是Do you mind my doing sth? 英语翻译Some men see things as they are and say why.I dream things that never were and say why not.--George Bernard Shaw 英语,初一,怎么做啊 课文中描写萧伯纳神态变化的词语有哪些, 怎么做啊,英语,初一 有没有水陆两栖的汽车啊