
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:46:18
Physical 怎么读 His job is washing cars .句子成分怎么划分? Tom is washing his hands.(改为一般疑问句) Tom is washing his hands.改成一般疑问句 关于爱国人民故事300字,如王二小的故事300字. 一般将来时的肯否疑问特殊疑问句的句式肯定句 否定句 疑问句 特殊疑问句 现在玩sky.天空,可以找谁了? physical和material的区别?material也可以作形容词的 英语单词sky是什么意思? SKY天空摄影怎么样 为什么天空sky有复数形式?sky的复数是skies嘛 不是只有一片天空嘛.怎么还有复数.什么时候用单数什么时候用复数呢、 sky.天空有人可以带我吗? 划分句子成分:His job is to train swimmers. 他靠洗车谋生He_ _ _by washing cars Let me ( ) a look ,Who is this man?Is your ( ) 补全 对话 Sandy is a nice girl with good manner.she's p( ) to everyone. Sandy is a nice girl with( ).A.light blue eye B.light blue eyes C.blue light eye D.blue light eyes IS MONEY ,WETHER BE OR NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN she is such a nice girl中为什么是 such a nice 好的加财富100写作文两段运动会的每段200字符合实际 重要 此好加10财富值语言不要过于华丽更重要 名字用A或B或C 加财富5我看好后看心情 100 车胎冲气 这个词怎么错了!急死了! 关于情感: do you think health is more important than good grades or a successful career?why or why not一篇英语对话或作文 I think science is ( )than Japanese. A.much important B.important C.much more important 一、1.I think science is _ than Japanese.A.much important B.important C.much more important D.( ) 1 Maths is more popular than____.A.any other subject B.all the subjects C.any subject D.other subject( ) 2 China is larger than ____ in Africa (^W).A. 重庆 英语 2010 12月 三级A(AB卷答案) 别发考过的哈!大哥大姐们.重庆 英语 2010 12月 三级A(AB卷答案)别发考过的哈!大哥大姐们. Sariel是指昔拉还是指沙逆夜,怎么她们的英文名都一样,不要关于它们的介绍,只要答案 爱的含义到底是什么爱的含义要非常广不简简单单只是爱情,我要的是广义的,不是狭义的. 七年级下册行知天下第6期历史答案,谢谢啦 全部 when i came in found a map ___on the floor A lying B lie C lies D lain 在此跪求 【英语选择题】let's ___ home and ___ tv.[ho;watch/to go/watch/go;watching/go;to watch]let's ___ home and ___ tv.[ho;watch/to go/watch/go;watching/go;to watch]theman ___ the white shirt is my father.[wears/puts on/is wearing/in]simon is really