
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 23:26:40
2011年专四note的一些问题今年的专四Note Writing要求写一封邀请函,题目是这样的:During the summer vacation you would like to invite your friend to your home town.Write a note to him/her,extending your invitation and telling h Then the three boys did not want to go so she picked out the next three girls.And i do not know then it was,but i think it was probably at this moment that the birthday party of Myra Sayla became fashionable.and之前的是过去时 但是and之后 moisturizer是什么意思 blue herbal moisturizer是什么意思 We/help/the/teachers/should怎么连 you still love me tomrow. We have art and music at Monday.改错句 his mouth fell open and his face went green.这里的fall是什么意思? 请问cover his mouth和open his mouth有区别吗 we have art ______9:30______Monday morning. Yes,they do.这个句子成立吗?我老是觉得奇怪.而且do可以这样用吗?do为什么可以这样用? c++,假如有一个student类,和一个name类,在name类用include"student.h"和公有继承student类有什么不同 以poverty is a state of mind为题写英语作文, We planted one hundred trees on the hill three years ago.One hundred trees___ ____ ____ us three改同义句 为什么是 anything important 而不是 important anything little by little 能不能放在句中little by little 这个词组能不能放在句中,我组的句子是空气污染逐渐加重,能不能是 air pollution is little by little increasend 如果错了,请给出正确的,并告诉我little by l 介绍些8X的DVD-RW跟32X的CD-RW的光盘!现在8X的DVD-RW跟32X的CD-RW成熟吗?质量怎样? 空白光盘上8X Please give the books ? the students in class.选择 a. out for b. out to c. off for d. up to 改错题:Li Hong,how long have you become a babysitter?英语大神进 要速度 Please _____ talk in class.A.not B.no C.don't D.don't to Spring Brother is all man,Jagged real 和 嗯意思上有什么区别吗 You can borrow my pen(改同义句)You can ( ) ( ) pen little busters攻略要中文的 little busters 有多少 The Expo can help all the people understand each other b___ and become good friends.要理由! “浩”的音译英语是Hoe?Hoo?Hoooo? It is out to love.Should let oneself be left from remembering 创致传媒和创致信息技术最合适的英文名称,(音译的也可)英文最佳的表述 go to the goal中文意思!最好再来个 MP3的连接! go to the goal 演唱者是谁