
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:45:25
he might have telephoned last night.为什么是完成时?时间状语不是last night的嘛.这是新概念英语19课85页的啊!我买的绝对是正版! 为什么现在完成时不能加yesterday,last night 之类的时间状语? last night做时间状语主句可用现在完成时吗? last month可以当现在完成时的时间状语吗 完成时不能有时间状语是吗? help foreign friends find the way.中文意思 急用,越快越好! All her friends have much fun at the party 改成同义句 请以My Bedroom为题 ,介绍一下你的卧室.50 左右!有中文翻译~ Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it ?Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it ! 谁知道Northing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.这句英语的意思啊! Noting in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it! Byronic her的定义 要英文的 拜伦式英雄 英语:男生用her对吗?如果不对那用什么? 英语 her 的主格是什么 Her parents encouraged her ________ her English.A.improving B.improves C.improved improve 谁有Nothing gone change my love for you 的英文歌词?英语 My shoes are blue.一般疑问句和肯否定回答和特殊疑问句 she_______(be)born in 1997,用所给词适当形式填空,还要说为什么那样选择 She (be) born in 1998. 用be的适当形式填空,I,born,in,1997,when,y0u,born — Could I clean the bedroom for you?— No,thanks.I — it myself.答案问什么是这个呢have cleaned Can you -----the bedroom? A、clean B、run C、take D、walk Could you m the good chairs to the bedroom and clean the l room?补全对话,首字母已给出.急 金额大写怎么写12316.2写成壹万贰仟叁百拾陆元贰角正算错吗?10.2应该写成:壹拾元贰角还是壹拾元零贰角金额大写怎么写?12316.2写成壹万贰仟叁百拾陆元贰角正算错吗?10.2应该写成:壹拾元贰 104196怎么写大写?中间到底加不加零?应该是壹拾万肆仟壹佰玖拾陆元整还是壹拾万零肆仟壹佰玖拾陆元整 肆拾陆元陆角是几元?先说的先采纳```` These dictionaries are mine.(一般疑问句 否定回答) It's my love这句英语什么意思? My love 因为我才9岁 it's my self camera love的意思it's my self camera love 请高手翻译下, Everybody in the building can hear Tom's words :"Mother"Everybody in the buliding can hear Tom's words:"Mother,the window___.Please come to help me." Everybody in the buliding can hear Tom's words:"Mother,the window___.Please come to help me."A.doesn miss brown is tall with long,dark hairis 后面画线提问(is不要)告诉我下为什么这么写,各位大哥大姐,越快越好