
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:56:31
we can read aloud to practice(发音) 正确答案pronunciation 为什么不是 pronounce?pronunciation是名词啊 pronounce是v practice练习做某事 不是后面接动词吗 关于等待的事实论据不要太长哦 缺陷的事实论据有什么?、 用try his best造句? 用“try his best”造句 12、13、17啊,来不及了! 读诗句,知人物,猜都是什么人 读诗猜历史人物沅湘流不尽,屈子怨何深.日暮秋风起,萧萧枫树林. 读诗猜人物.蜀 相杜甫丞相祠堂何处寻?锦官城外柏森森.映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音.三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心.出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟.(1)这首诗涉及的三个历史人物分别 _____________ some years he became rich 用 in after before大神们帮帮忙 中哪些地方表现了"小雪"的"小"? we went to hollywood_____ a.for two years b.two years ago c.before tow years 3 years before=3 years ago?thank you to read english in the morning is very important同义句转换 听诗句,猜人物.殉社稷至江北古城,剩水残山,尚留得风中劲草. Two years before the mast 这本书中文译名是什么RT 1.My father __(like) the old photo last year. 2.There__(is) a foolish man many years ago. before the 2000 years对吗?before the year 2000 /before 2000 呢? 关于斯诺克的问题 打红球时同时有一彩球进袋 罚彩球分值,红球怎么算?打彩球时,同时有一红球进怎么算分打红球时,进两红球,怎么算? 解方程- - 6×1.5+8x=10x-4分之1x=8分之3 14 15 He came here a year _______,and I have been here _______ two years.A before,in B ago,for C before,forC是错的 已知f(x+1)=x2-2x=1的定义域是(-2.0),求f(x)的单调递减区间 猜诗中涉及的人物典故:猜诗中涉及的人物典故:⑴此地别燕丹,壮士发冲冠.昔时人已没,今日水犹寒.⑵功盖三分国,名成八阵图.江流石不转,遗恨失吞吴.⑶沅湘流不尽,屈子怨何深.日暮秋风起 快,第二问最好用坐标法, 只说第二问 不用向量的方法做 麻烦帮忙解方程要有详细的步骤!请教一下这方程怎么解最好能写下详细的过程x除以x加10再乘以10等于1.2 He came to the city two years ago同义句Two years ________ ________since he came to the city.________two years since he came to the city. Mrs.Smith came to Shanghai two years ago.Mrs.Smith ___ ____ in Shanghai ____ two years.同义句转换 Mrs.Smith came to Shanghai two years ago.Mrs.Smith came to Shanghai two years ago.Mrs.Smith ___ ____ in Shanghai ____ two years.同义句转换 My favourite sport is 后面是跟名词还是动名词?请说明! 感谢那些帮过我的人!用英语翻译!