
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:27:43
结合你阅读水浒传的体会,你认为作者为什么说鲁达称史进,李忠二人为“纹龙兄弟”“打虎兄弟”不伦不类?又见“夯货”阅读答案 水浒传中史进一生中的重大事件越长越好,主要为演讲,将史进一生之中的重大事情都告诉我, 《名人传》和《海底两万里》的摘抄各4000字,不要赏析 已知关于x的方程x平方—(m —2)x — m平方/4=0.若这个方程的两个实数根X1,X2满足| X2 |=|X1 |+2,求m的值及相应的X1,X2 which comes first?为什么come要用复数? 如图,已知在△ABC中,DE‖BC,EF‖AB,AE=2CE,AB=6,BC=9,求四边形BDEF的周长 health comes first 翻译中文 某商场以每件30元的价格购进一种商品,试销中发现这种商品每天的销售量为M件与每件的销售价X元满足一次函数M=162-3X.1)写出商品卖这种商品每天的销售利润Y元与每件销售价X元之间的函数关 Which one comes the first?Chicken or Eggif it's Chicken then where they came from?if it's Egg then where they came from? 请问"家庭最重要"英语可以翻译成"Famliy comes the first"吗? Which comes first and which is the last?什么意思 when he arrived ,he found noned but the age an the sick at home,翻译并说明为什么不用nothing but , 怎么区分英语里的词性和及物动词与不及物动词 告诉我只能硬背的勿扰 it was not yet eight o'clock when he arrived home如果改用 before,that,until,原句该怎么改? it is not yet eight o'clock when he arrived home.什么从句?是状语从句还是定语从句?为什么?it is 1999 when i met him是定语从句it is in 1999 that i met him是强调句型那it is in 1999 when i met him 就不可以吗,不能理解 运用夸张 ,比喻的手法写 人物外貌 的作文一定要运用夸张比喻的手法.可以仿《列夫.托尔斯泰》来写 太感谢你们了 描写人物的外貌,并运用比喻的修辞手法 拜托了 you need to have healthy eating habits .为什么eat要用ing形式 关于Healthy Eating Habits的 keeping healthy作文.包含(healthy food,eating habits,keeping healthy作文.包含(healthy food,eating habits,be good for,do exercise,keep fit) healthy eating habits是什么意思? 请你为《童年梦痕》写一则80字左右的“介绍词” He got a w____ result in English this term than last term because he didn't try his best.顺便翻译一下 求一道因式分解题步骤和答案、加急~(xy+1)(x+1)(y+1)+xy=(xy+1)(xy+x+y+1)+xy 请将下列的单词组成句子,1.can ,play ,me ,you ,ltennis ,with_________________________________________?2has ,he ,help ,to ,his ,with ,sister ,her ,math________________________________________.3are ,what ,doing ,you ,day ,the ,tomorrow ,after_ 谁能 给我几篇老舍的文章啊?..不要太深奥的。不然我就要鲁迅的了。只要是美文就行了。 与想意思相近的单音节词语有什么急 什么是介词短语?什么是分词短语?它们有什么区别?50 stars arranged in nine rows 13 stars arranged in a cirecle 为什么说第一句是限定词加中心名词加介词短语 而第二句就是限定词加中心名词加分词短语? 麻烦帮忙分析句子结构、成分.In the arena of space research,live animals are still practical alternatives on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. 花和尚倒拔垂杨柳起因,经过,结果 为什么shall we...句型是祈使句,而will you...就是一般疑问句? 找首歌 最后的歌词是 to be with you ~oh i love youto be with you ~oh i love you 谢谢·#83