
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:33:51
I found ____ ____ to learn English grammar I found _____ difficult to english grammar. 1、There are some pencil in the pencil case.__a__ _b_ __c__ __d____( ) ————2、Is you math book behind the computer?_a__b_ _c___ ___d____( ) ______3、Where're the plants?_a_____ _b___It's on the table._c_ __d__( ) -______4、We can see 请帮我改一道英语题的错,原句是Here are your umbrella and coat.我在想是这样改:Here is your umbrella and coat.还是这个样子:Hereyour umbrella and coat are .哪个对?我有点搞糊涂了, 第四题. 土耳其翻译HéRKés Kéndini AR†iS† saniOr.Ama ßiLmiOrLArqi Yöné†mén ßénim.isDéDiqimé RoL wéRiRim isDéDiqimé YoL 这位仁兄可能用了些非主流的符号,希望有高手可以帮忙翻译,谢谢! 英语翻译1、Sabitler üzerine o kadar yoğunlaşmışıZ ki ,değişkenleri unutmuşuZ...2、 Çünkü Bu Oyun Hiç Bitmeyecek..| O Şimdi Sayı Kuramcı..3、SessizLiğin İç 英语翻译nominal kapasitesi saatte 6 tonu aşan mevcut yakma tesisleri için veya yeni yakma tesisleri için azot dioksit olarak ifade edilir这句土耳其语, 英语翻译DANEIL BIR SURELIGINE TATILE CIKIYOR,HANGI KONUDA OLURSA OLSUN LUTFEN BENIMLE IRTIBATA GECINIZ.,LUTFEN EKTEKI EMAILI MSNINIZE EKLEYINIZ,HER DURUMDA BANA BU MSN DEN ALP ARACILIĞI ILR ULAŞABILIRSINIZ.请翻译以上内容. 英语翻译Ekte resimleri bulunan ürünler Fransadan Türkiyeye geliyor.Bu ürünler yerve duvar seramiklerinin derz dolgular¹n¹ boyamak için kullan¹l¹yor.Buürünleri bulabilirsen iyi iº ç¹kart¹r&su 语法练习(还有后半部分) 哪里有初二英语上册的语法练习题及答案? 推荐几本比较好的初二英语语法练习题 最好有解析 这句英文语法有没有错?Maybe be stronger means be fragile! 请问,英语中常见的助动词有哪些? 几道简单的初二英语语法题一、句型转换1、There are fifty students in our class.(改为同义句)Our class( ) fifty students.2、I don't know what i shall do next.(改为同义句)I don't know( ) next.3、I want to see the animals 初二英语语法题!急!1.Miss Li said to Mary,"Did you have enough food to eat"?保持原意Miss Li ______Mary"____ ____ ____had enough food to eat?2.be responsible for ____(sale)3.They left the class when hearing the bell ringing in a hurry. 初二英语语法题1.Tim ______ out the difficult problem and he is very happy.( work )2.He raised his arm ______ his face from the blow.(protect)1.This kind of bread ______ sugar,wheat,milk and water.A.make from B.is made from C.is make up from D. 一道初二英语语法题请问在Two glasses of milk ____ on th table.中联系动词用复数还是单数?请有识之士赐教 请问这句英文句式有问题吗?can you tell me the time when we should dating 请帮我看看这句英文有没有语法上的错误?Look at me Now ,it is the real me. 这个英文句子语法上有错吗?I felt as if everything that annoyed me were no longer existed.as if 后面不是要虚拟吗?那如果不虚拟可以吗?可是老师之前又说as if 后面要虚拟!英语好麻烦哦~ [急]这个英文句子的语法有没有错?这个句子的中文是直到现在我还没收到过他的信,我写的是I haven't received his letter up to now,标达是I haven't got any letters from him up to now,我自己写的有没有错误阿? 英语翻译1.他还没有来(yet)2.你曾经去过伦敦吗?(ever) 这句话英语语法错了?昨天有个人可能不看篮球,说这个Where amazing happens语法有问题?真的假的,NBA广告语语法有问题? 这句英语语法有错吗我扔下西服冲下楼去告诉乔治.这是比“骇人听闻的秘密”更加惊人的东西,这是一具真正的骷髅啊!Forsaking the suit,I ran downstairs to tell George.There was a more stupendous thing than the worker sign with her name better than employee code in the file .这句英语语法错在哪?可是sign是动词啊! 这句英语语法有错吗?Neither Wesley or Lisa got a hit in the game.要不要改成GETS? does she go to work by bike?的答句 哪种语言比较好学?泰语,俄罗斯语,西班牙语,意大利哪种比较好学啊?哪种听起来比较好听? 除了英语,还有哪种语言好学?不需要普及率很广的那种 学外语,除了英语,还有哪些国家语言比较好学的呢