
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:57:25
怎么样用question和habit造句 求大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆以及月下飞天镜云生结海楼的赏析和山重水复疑无路柳暗花明又一村包含的人生哲理要全面 英语翻译Seven Lonely Days 翻译成中文是 写出西游记中师徒四人经过的其中两个国家的名字 sinπ=0 ,为什么,标准答案里,黄色的右边是1?烦.求最值,和sin2x的区间有什么关系。为什么要这么做。 西游记中师徒四人的歇后语 关于鲁迅的故事要标题 It`s the first time that he has been to Australia,isn`t it?中,为什么要用isn`t it,而不用hasn`t he? I have tried it three times but I haven't succeeded.I want to try it____fourth timea还是the "I still haven't thanked Aunt Lucy for her present." "It's time you ____"A.do B.didC.hadD.would这个题怎么选啊?It's time for sb.to do sth. eating vegetables and fruit makes us health对么?是用health还是healthy? 《孔雀东南飞》这篇主要讲了什么? 作文我和书的故事500 Can you pleace _____(not piay) computer games?选词填空 为什么要这么选? I always make (snowman)with my friends in winter will it____long.括号里填什么, 初2水平的我英语不好 怎么样才能提高英语成绩 LOL...yeah,that won't last too long will it.. I often read books and piay computer games.的问句是什么 写问句 ______________________?No,I often read b写问句______________________?No,I often read books in the library. 请写出下列古诗中的成语:1、前不见古人,后不见来者.2、有时逢敌手,对局到深更.3、历历开无事,分明在眼前.4、石烂与海楛,行人规故乡.5、生人作死别,恨恨哪可论. 寻找古诗中的成语:历历开元事,分明在眼前. 有时逢敌手,对局 到深更的对应成语是啥? 以尝试为话题的段落快些!今晚!有关尝试的名人名言,古诗等 两题初二数学拓展 题多非诚勿扰 已知一个正比例函数和一个一次函数的图像交于点p(-2,2),且一次函数的图像与y轴交于点Q,点Q的纵坐标为4.(1)求出这两个函数的解析式(2)在同一个直角坐标系中,分别画出这两个函数的 He wants to be a waiter .(改为同义句)He wants to ( ) ( ) a waiter. the policeman made the young lady move her car.(改为被动语态) the young lady ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) her car by the policeman. He wants to be a waiter.同义句:He wants to ____ ____ a waiter. he wants to be a writer 改为同义句 ask for sb sth 这个语法对吗 如若不对,