
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:33:20
怎么解释“忠”这个字,如何做才能做到“忠”? 一个角字旁后面一个瓜字这个字念什么? 瓜 交 什么字左边“瓜” 右边“交” 什么字?怎么念?应该是有这个字的 葫芦科的一个属Zehneria.马[瓜@交]儿属先谢谢了哦 O(∩_∩)O~ 蜘蛛靠吐丝结网捕捉昆虫.翻译 do you have brother还是do you have a brother,为什么? Do you have( ) brother?A.anyB.theC.not “日”这个字作为动词的时候就是XX的意思,我想知道这个解释的由来如题 这句话对吗The situation is easy to change if you take my advise.这是书上的一句话.不用被动语态吗? 英语翻译 It however you is not finished Not like a fantasy situation to change 帮忙翻译一下 I’ve never seen such an interesting film we sawI’ve never seen such an interesting film we saw last night.A.whenB.asC.thatD.which 如上所述As is mentioned above , As has been mentioned above, As was mentioned above,which is right? I watched a movie which name is STAR这句话有没有错误? he mentioned the film ,the title( )is memorable for all of it.A of it B of which C which D whose请问选择哪一个为正确答案, 左偏旁是月,右结构上是八,下是十这个字念xi,但是 打字法里面没有,烦朋友们帮我弄出来这个字.本人急需知道这个字的打法,谢谢朋友们. 烦啊、、、、我是一个长了痘痘的男生 原来不算长得太帅但也说得过去 可是长了痘痘以后就变得超丑 班上就有个自认为是天使的臭屁男的对我冷嘲热讽的 说我不要紧 还他妈的讲要追我女 为什么我看到"哦"这个字就很烦就和人说话时 人突然来一句 我就非常反感 这是 为什么有烦这个字? waiting for you forever 翻译成中文 I wait for you forever是什么意思 I\'ll waiting for you forever Do you have any other friends____ the girl in red?A except B except for C besides D with选哪个? do you have a girl? Do you have boy friend? 是什么意思 shake hands with英语翻译 shake hands with sb.换种表达? I 've seen the film afo.这个句子里那个错了. 为什么I've seen that movie 4 xs中的xs是times的缩写,请知道的人帮忙回答一下 英语翻译If there's anything that you want/ If there's anything I can do/ Just call on me and I'll send it along/ With love,from me to you 9. -I don’t think the movie is well-made. -No, it’s the _______ I’ve ever seen. A. same B. differentC. best D. worst[2112]请问这个题是选择C还是D啊?我感觉好像是选择C但是不是哦、请问为什么呀?谢谢 -Which of the caps will you take?-I'll take____-Which of the caps will you take?-I'll take____ ,one for my father,the other for my brother.A.neither B.both C.all请说明理由 Which of the two skires will you takeI'll take ____.They look nearly the same,and I just buy one.A both B all C none D either