
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:49:42
The boy climbed up to the top of the hill,from____he could have a good view of the whole town.A.as B.that C.what D.where这道题为什么选where?填which正确吗但是前面不是有from吗 The children climbed up the hill,________ they picnicked.A.on its top B.on the top of it C.on whose top D.on the top of it hill,they,climbed,the,up.连词成句, 1、The children climbed a hill.2.They studied English in 1980.3.My father bought a big ice cream4.We went to the zoo yesterday.5.She was nine last year.改为否定句,疑问句,肯、否定回答 "suvf the lnternet”"have the same hobby""call her""stay inbeb""atonce"的中文 用“立”组词.A.直立着()B.高高立着()C.像山峰一样高耸地立着()D.高耸地立着() 长时间地站着是什么立?帮我! 高高的直立叫什么立 You will see many stars is the sky_____you come out at a fine night.答案是if,为什么不用when?顺便说说答案到底是哪个? 句型转换 I (can't stand ) his loud voice .(对括号部分提问) ()()()()()his loud voice? the,children,the,and,near,their,now,teachers,are,hill 我的中文姓名叫 黄颖,麻烦各位帮忙翻译成为英文的(要准确)的.1 ( )your homework ____by yourselves.A.must be do B.must do C.must be does D.do( )your homework ____by yourselves.A.must be do B.must do C.must be done D.do 六年级描写景物的成语 还有描写人物外貌的 人物心情的 鄂教版记住是鄂教版 鄂教版(2011年1月10号之前完成) 今天完成 大哥大姐 是鄂教版的 PS算图像的颜色时为什么以2为低底,(eg:位图有2的1次方个颜色,rgb图像一个通道有2的8次方个颜色) 为什么以2位为底呢?因为计算机是二进制?求破 Our maths teacher (is writing) in the office.括号提问 She was in the classroom two hours ago .对two hours age 提问 下班粤语怎么说 He likes going to the movie and _____ sportsA.to play B.playing C.play 由于受到感动而产生恭敬和钦佩之情.是什么词语? 以A school trip为题写篇英语作文,不要太长,在60词左…have a good time~ 以 a wonderful school trip 为题写一篇120词左右的文章不要太难,谢谢 it is imperative that you include our office and escrow number on your wire remittance求翻译 I don't know When will our ship sail与I don't know When our ship will sail那个正确 That is when our partner is in a high spirit and free from any important things.a high spirit ,and free from any important things In our effort to ensure we receive footwear which is free from mold and mildew when it reaches our 这个是完整的句子,In our effort to ensure we receive footwear which is free from mold and mildew when it reaches our Distribution Center,we ha ( ) the news ,we got excited(hear) "咽"字可以组什么词? 月相中"上上西西,下下东东"中的一个"西"指的是西边天亮,这是为什么?想了很久也没明白,为什么上弦月会是西边天.会不会和我们是在北半球有关?还有到底是什么时候用到"上北下南,左西右东" 天文中的月相“上上上西西下下下东东”是公历还是农历? 月相中“上上上西西,下下下东东”是什么回事分别是什么? 那个七年级上册学的月相里有没有一句口诀叫做:上上上西西,下下下东东?