
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:10:05
she learned English When she was three years old.(画线部分提问 learned English)( ) ( ) she ( ) when she was three years old.请看题,后面是。不是? 空中英语教室官网没有往期的文章啊?我想要空中英语教室中级版往期的文章和MP3哪里可以找到啊?其实给我目录也行吧。 There are two tablt tennis rooms in the first floor of the building.哪里错了? 求以"Business meetings in the States and China."为题的短文.RT many,there,how,rooms,first,on,are,the,fioor连词成句那stating是什么? 这个主题globalisation and business location应该从哪个方面下笔写论文?globalisation and business location应该怎样定义?特别是business location,大概是个什么意思? On the second floor there are two rooms,___is used as a meeting room.A.The larger of which B.one of themC.The larger one of thatD.The largest of which选D不行吗? 以"Olympics and China"为题,写一篇介绍"奥运与中国的短文拜托各位大哥哥大姐姐了`````` In his apartment there are two rooms,____is used as a living room.A.larger one B.the larger oIn his apartment there are two rooms,____is used as a living room.A.larger one B.the larger of which C.the largest one D.the largest of which Amy learned French by herself when she was twenty year old同义句Amy _ _ Freanch _ _ _ _ Twenty.He is interesting in reading.=He _ _ _ reading.Mary spent all the summer at home.=Mary spent _ _ _ at home. 空中英语教室杂志2010年三月刊 爱上荷兰 原文求英语原文. kate t herself french when she was free 2009年闸北区数学一模的第十题设a>1,若仅有一个常数c使得对于任意的x属于[a,2a],都有y属于〔a,a^2]满足方程log以a为底x的对数加log以a为底y的对数=c,这时a的取值范围? I was about to leave my office _____i was told that the president would visit our company.A.while B when C as D if是B没错!但为什么呀! 伤感个人说明 "That company do business with a large company"里的"business"的词性?我是英语初学者do是谓语动词,business是名词还是副词?在句中充当什么成分?为什么go home里的home是副词难道这里的business就不能是副词? He told me that the company could not afford to pay him so much money 主谓宾是什么 (英语翻译)你最好每天喝开水. You 'd better drink ___ ___ every day . 1.The doctor said that the patient would die unless he was sent to hospital at once2.The moment I saw you,Iknew you were angry with me求这两个句子的翻译 The doctor said that the patient would die___he was sent to hospital im-mediatelyA except B unless为什么选B 1.The doctor said that the patient would die unless he was sent tohospital at once2.The moment I saw you,I knew you were angry with me求这两个句子的翻译, .The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ______ he would die of the disease.A.thatB.whichC.of whichD.of that为什么是 that >不是of which 还有同位语? 本人性格开朗 想要个英文名字 短的最好 搞笑的最最好本人较可爱 较开朗 较乐于助人 较爱开玩笑 一般帅(谦虚的说)想要个英文名字 短的最好 搞笑的最最好 The Boy make the baby ___ again and again.A cry B crying The boy is made do his homework for two hours every day题目中划线的四个部分中有一处错误,请指出并改正.The boy (is)A made (do)B his homework (for)C two hours (every day)D. the was to boy made write again it 连词成句 Was anyone famous bor n there?中文?anyone 在这里什么意思啊? 有名人在哪儿出生么?—— —— —— born there?怎么填 Were famous people born there 可以吗 英语基础算很差,背新概念英语有用吗?主要要考4级啊 快大3了 以前一直没 小幸福英文翻译小幸福 英文翻译 don't be nervous ___ the teacherA saysB talksC tellsD walks 谁能帮我搞一篇以DON‘T BE NERVOUS为题的英语作文有5个以上较难词,280词左右,