
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:55:33
【选择】25.He asked me ( )I was sure my mother( )(if ; would come / that ; will come / that ; would come / if ; will come)这题选什么.理由是. 谚语her husband is a real bear的意思her husband is a real bear意思 世界上跨3个大洲的古代帝国都有那些? 一弹簧测力计由于弹簧老化而换用了一新弹簧,将弹簧测力计竖直挂起来,当下面不挂重物时其指针恰好指在5N刻度处,当弹簧下挂上20N的重物时,弹簧测力计示数为30N,当弹簧下挂上多重物体时, 如果没有弹簧测力计,用什么代替?谢谢了say it () be a red but I'm not sure 是填might 还是must -Whose new car is there?-It____Mr White's.but I'm not so sure.A must be B might belong toC maybe D may be为什么选"D"呢? I can't decide where___________.A.to live B.to live in 请提供理由,最好能拓展到同类型的知识点. I can't decide _______.A where to live in B where to live C what to do it Dhow to do 选哪个,为什么? Describe an occasion when someone gave you important help in a difficult situation.you should answer.具体是想问它是要回答哪些小问题~譬如WHEN WHERE~WHO~等等 英语改错 I'm make sure they get lots of sun. how to describe a situationThere is a call for the company's manager,but the manager is not here.Suppose that you receive this call.Talk for 2 minutes with your partner and decide how to transfer information to the manager.根据上述内容编辑一 Describe a situation that required you to use fact-finding skills. Describe a situation that you had successfully work out a practical solutions/or action plans with the researched findings. I'm make sure they get lots of sun.找错并改正在I'm get lots of 中有一处是错误的 只能在这三个里面找! (I'm) make sure they (get ) (lots of)sun.括号里的改错,要标出 高手帮忙鉴别下这串碧玺手链真假成色如何有无加色 The accident was supposed___due to careless driving.Ato happen Bto have happened Chappening\The accident was supposed___due to careless driving.A.to happen B.to have happened C.happening D.having happened求原因 谢 The terrible accident_____his careless driving.Aowed to Bresult in Cwas due to Dresult from 为什么选C?请详细分析. 这句话怎么翻,跪求ORZ!If you have done your homework on market position,goals,audience,and wish-list for your site's content and appearance我晕。。。后面一半我会翻,就没有说出来。是“you will be prepared to provide your w there is someone to turn to ; turn to 整个作 to do 结构里的do?It's comforting to know that there is someone to turn to when one needs help.为什么要 turn to 只一个turn不行吗 turn to 后 怎么不加个宾语呢 OTZ 有时看到他们写的东西后都会加这个... 不同的弹簧测力计,量程大的弹簧长度一定比量程小的长度大吗为什么 弹簧陈的量程为5,拉力为4,弹力是多少?弹簧陈的量程为5,拉力为4,弹力是多少?弹簧陈的量程为5,拉力为4,弹力是多少? 免责声明!I further agree to indemnify,hold harmless,release and forever discharge the regents of the university and all its officers,employees,agents or assistants from any claims which I or my heirs or any other persons acting on my behalf have 求一段英文免责声明内容如下:鉴于摩洛哥方面签证所存在的特殊情况,我公司特做如下声明:任何由于签证所导致的实习生问题(包括但不限于拘留,罚款等),我公司概不负责.大概就是这个 铝合金是现在用的最多的合金吗 father went to his doctor for _______about his heart troublea,an advic b,advice c,advicesd,the a dvices选哪个为什么 31.Father went to his doctor for ____about his heart trouble.A.an advice B.advice C.advices D.the advices选了C为什么错了. The L word S406里第10分钟Jenny说的是带哪里口音的英语? 《江汉》中运用了什么艺术手法? which from of music is you favor?why?