
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:48:17
一位老人有11匹马,他想把1/2分给大儿子,1/4分给二儿子,1/6给小儿子,怎么分?每个儿子分几匹? Ye was not fond of Yao at first,but finally accepted him after he gave her the team pins he had collected during the 2000 Summer Olympics.这里面的team pins Pins在国际象棋中是什么意思 measurement over pins pins and 还有 in-pack or on-pack voucher 怎样教孩子,没学过方程.一个数,小数点右移一位,比原来大18,原来的数是多少?还没学方程,怎样才能说明白. 命题A,若x大于0,则a的x次方小于1 命题B,函数y=x平方-4ax在(-无穷大,1] 为减函数,若A与B中至少有一个是真命题,则实数a的取值范围是 各位帮我算一道二元一次方程组的题谢谢帮下我{4(X-Y-1)=3(1-Y)-2X/2+Y/3=2 函数y=x的负2次方在(0,+无穷大)上是增函数吗?在(0,-无穷大)上呢? 如图,在线段AE的同侧作正方形ABCD和正方形BEFG(BE Announced that happiness will not come 诉求翻译 Polly is the most diret young woman that I have ever come across.为什么要加ever?不加可以吗?ever在句子中什么结构?什么词性? I always believe I can have the happiness that belongs to me for ever,but I don't feel happy now. I believe there will be one day that happiness will come to me.翻译成汉语 翻译中文 What is the name of the king of engiant in 1908? 如图,将正方形纸片ABCD折叠两次,第一次折痕为AC,第二次折痕为AE,且点D落在点F处.若正方形边长是1,求DE的长.请详细写出解题过程和思路,要用勾股定理 George saw his father off at the airport yesterday afternoon.怎么翻译 一、用关联恰当的词,把下面各题中的两句话并成一句话.1、大象死后就在原地没有被移动过.大象的骨架能够这样完整的保存下来.2、周总理逝世了.周总理永远活在人们的心中.3、他爱读书.他 She has promised return the dictionary in the evening.为什么promise后用原型? 这个题目怎么算?(用二元一次方程组解)某队人员要从A地到相距18km的B地去,只有一辆汽车,将全体人员分成甲、乙两组,先让甲组乘车,乙组步行,同时出发;甲组到达途中的C地后下车步行继续 S. steel It probably has somehting to do with the fact that nicotine is appetite suppressant and appears to up your metabolic rate.请问这里的词可以理解为:appear to:似乎?up 增长?是分开的吗? The main difference has to do with the fact that...中文 something that has to do with making junk.详解这句话的语法详解这句话使用的语法 英语翻译尤其是句中的develop应怎样翻译,先谢过 a problem that somebody has with something是什么从句撒 圆方钢 金结10~18# 装修的金9银10由来是什么,是不是螃蟹的9雌10雄?金是蟹黄,银是蟹膏. And cars helped make the USA _it is now .A what B how , in spite of the fact 同题! in spite of the fact that...because的意思和用法