
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:34:50
I want you ____ me ____ my English. CITY LIFE怎么样 CITY LIFE 南方店怎么样 after a lots of rejections什么意思如题,还有一句AMONG the honors awarded him, 已知,三角形ABC中AB=AC=10cmBC=8cm,点D是AB的中点已知在三角形ABC中,AB=AC=10CM,BC=8CM,点D为AB的中点,点P在线段BC上以3CM/S的速度由点B向点C运动,同时,点Q在线段CA上由点C向点A运动.1.如果点Q的运动速度 已知在三角形ABC中,点D,点F分别是AB,AC上的一点.已知DE‖BC,AD=3BD,△ABC的面积为48,求△ADE的面积 在三角形ABC中AB=13CMBC=10CMBC边上的中线AD=12CM求AC.写过程,谢谢. On his first sea voyage ,he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm.I broke my leg when I was skiing in America.She was convicted of murder.He,as well as I,is a student.Mother was busy.Although she was not watching the basket 1. On his first sea( ), he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storms. A. On his first sea __________,he was still quite young and very excited.a、tripb、travelc、 tourd、voyage DO more exercise and breathe more fresh air,which is beneficial to us.这句话对吗?如果把逗号去掉连成一句话要怎么改? 林大爷用39分钟阅读了一张29500字的报纸,平均每分钟读()字,4分钟读了这张报纸的()分之(),约为()% 他用三十分钟读了一张29500字的报纸,平均每分约读()字,四分钟读了这张报纸的几分之几,也就是()%. 用30分钟读一张29500字的报纸,平均每分钟读()字,四分钟读了这份报纸的几分之几,也就是百分之几? 在直角三角形ABC中,∠ABC=90°,CD是AB边上中线,若CD=5cm,则AB=( ),三角形ABC的面积是( ). 林大爷用30分钟阅读了一张27500字的报纸,平均每分钟大约读()字,四分钟读了这张报纸的()/(), No,there's( )on the blackboard very small 等于什么.一个单词. 填入单词 1 A very small town ia a country area ( ) mary worked in a small town.she was a very beautiful...谁有这篇短文啊~ Martin luther king was a h_____ in the U.S.A.单词拼写``急. what kind of personality do you like?why?写一篇100字左右的小作文谢谢了 他是一个诚实的人,这是已被证实了的.英语怎么说?要用到其中一个① It has been proved that……②prove+(to be)+n/adj. so the air here is very c.c后面填什么 我十分奇怪,谁给拉丁文发明了字母w.除了谷歌在线翻译,谁会给拉丁文插上一个英文的“now”表示“此刻”? Just keep it and get your mouth closed the silence can hear,i know it can kill.foget you know,just get up and go是哪首歌里边的歌词?后边还唱i don't wanna know,and i don't wanna hear Once ___of oxygen ,the brain dies.a、depriving b、 deprived c、 to be deprived d、 having been deprived He is English.He is an English.He is an English man.三句是否可互划等号?这三句中是否有存在语法错 The more learned a man is,the more modest he usually is.这句话用了什么语法The more books we read,the more learned we become.这句话对吗? Qin Qin's mother often buys stamps for her and helps her with it.变成同义句 All you can eat Rest stop 为什么没有介词?