
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:55:26
BEC中级b1是没过吗.哎.白兴奋了.好像是没过吧?那有证书吗.和ABC肯定不一样把.有知情人士么. my主格,I宾格是什么?英语 mine是my的宾格吗? 连词成句on,you,with,go,picnic,me,will,a连词成句on,you,with,go,picnic,me,will,a_________________________________________? mine是my的宾格吗?me是不是my的宾格?到底是me还是mine是my的宾格?请说清楚为什么 __Will you go to the park with me this afternoon __Sorry,_______.my aunt is coming to see me .A.I can't B.I should 't C.I mustn't my的宾格所有格 问哈in return 词组,意思,用法,例句, In return for this...这里的in怎么理解 wake me up 语法正确吗. wake me up是什么 wake me up什么意思 my的宾格 plays,the,every,he,morning,piano.连词成句 我买 2 用return造句详细一点,return造句. in return造句 in return to和in return for区别 用return to造句 Someone asks you if the litter baskets have been emptied yet.You know they've already been done.What do you say? we already know you have been doing excellently我们已经知道你一直做的非常优秀.这里用know对吗? Amy is the best girl in her glass.(同义词)并解释句意Amy is ____than_____ _____girl in her class.Amy is ____than_____ _____girl in her class.两种 将下列句子改为否定句.1.amy is the best student in my class.2.jim has a lot of new books in his study.3.john can sing the song.4.Bill broke the glass yesterday.5.Open the window ,Peter.6.Liu Tan and Kitty will go tothe zoo next Sunday. 一个人要成功 到底是天赋还是后天努力和后天环境重要?哪一个最重要?为什么?参考消息刊登过一个英国科研机构对全球3000多对同卵双胞胎和异卵双胞胎的20多年的跟踪调查研究发现,很多同 He ofter_. A.plays the piano B.piay the piano C.plays piano Professor White has written some short stories,but he is ( ) known for his plays.A.the best B.the better C.better D.the most in return for this语法结构nce2 lesson 6里的一句话,In return for this,the beggar stood on his head and sang songs 这句中in return for this是什么结构?习语还是短语? 德语中的不规则动词德语中的有些不规则动词的完成时,如verlaufen的完成时有两种形式:hat/ist verlaufen是一回事吗?还是有所区别?类似的还有 ist/hat gezogen 怎么能折出飞行时间最长的纸飞机 德语第二分词和功能动词问题有一道句子改写的题,题是这样的:Eine Expertin zitierte eine vor kurzem abgeschlossene Studie,in der .答案是改成:.zitierte eine vor kurzem zum Abshcluss gebrachte Studie,...主语是Eine Expe 反义疑问句怎么回答?