
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:29:17
四个手指分别指什么,戒指. 带戒指的这个手指是什么指? 请英语高手找出下列句子的错误,并在横线上改正.1.I is form America.( ) ________________ A B C 2.Good afternoon,mr Black.( ) ________________A B C3.Who that man ( ) _______________________A B C 请高人帮看看英语有什么错误没有,AbstractChina has begun to enter the interests of the times,and the collective interests of the game has become China's economic and social life of an important element.In recent years China's real estate 选择句子中的一处错误,并在后面的横线上加以改正(英语)( )1.chen jie never go home by subway.___A.never B.go C.subway( )2.how does she goes to the park?___A.how B.does C.goes( )3.my sister can goes by bus.___A.can I'm very tall .It was because I was so tall that I became the tallest of my class.强调句对吗?I used to be very heavy,just like a ball.How quickly time flies (这句话用这样的形式没问题把?别人都说用How time flies就可以了.) 请回答以下的英语问题,用横线的来提问,不准用到横线上的.I can get to the store by bike。用by bike 提问。you can go to the hospital on foot。用on foot 提问。 个个哥哥姐姐帮帮忙!! 手指的英语单词怎么写 各个手指头的英语名称 = v= 求英语好词好句~如上- 各位亲,求帮忙 ~ 求个霸气、凶狠的英文网名是这样的、组了两个人的街舞团队、需要两个霸气的英文名、我们的团队名称是以一种凶暴的蛇为基础、中文名叫黑曼巴、很霸气哦、要体现街头气氛、现在就缺 学习小组第五组 起组名 带英文 带五的 霸气的名字还有 正经点的 别闹 什么般的手指[什么要填词语} 形容手指修长的词语如:纤纤玉手 英语翻译1.昨天下雨,所以我们呆在家里.it was——yesterday,so we—— —— —— .2.这个好消息使他们觉得很高兴.the good news —— —— —— —— .3.我们来讨论一下去哪儿度假.let's —— the place 很霸气又好听的女生英文名? 男孩子取什么英文名好听,要霸气一点的 有好听的英文名么?最好是霸气点的 Look,Tom is_____a letter.A.Write B.Writing C.Weiteing.横线里应该填什么? the letter is from (tom) (对划线部分提问) tom is drawing pictures and jim _______(write)letters. writing ,Jim's ,letter, is , in,photo,second, sister ,a,the(?)英语连词成句,帮一下吧~~ Is Tom () a letter to his grandmother括号里填什么 策字没有头怎么读 的字加草字头的拼音怎么读 友字上面一草字头是什么字 怎么读 这段文字其中有一个草字头的字不知怎么读? 余字不穿头怎么读 Tom draws a picture on the wall.(用now改写)Tom ------ ------ a picture on the wall now.两个单词 On the wall ,there are two pictures.___ is Tom's,___ is Mary'sA.One,one B.One,other C.One,the other D.One,others there tom found a map on the wall,_________?there tom found a map on the wall,_______?a.wasn't there b.didn't there c.didn't he d.wasn't he这题选什么,麻烦解释清楚点,谢谢! 湖南TNT快递 长沙TNT天地物流 TNT快递查询 TNT国际速递6折