
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:14:28
资产管理公司英文怎么翻译? 谁家玉笛暗飞声,散入春风满洛城.这两句的修辞手法? “物业”用英语如何表达? 综合产业公司 用英语怎么说? The man played the piano wellThe man 是主语 played 是谓语 the piano 是宾语well 是方式状语吗? There was only a man and a piano. 为什么用was l would like to be写一篇不少于45字的英语作文急,快 求boyfriend新单 I'll be there 小学六年级英语题(根据中文提示完成句子)Where ________you_________(愿意)to go on holiday? 谁有玛丽亚凯莉I’ll Be There的中文歌词? ab两地相距x千米,甲,乙两列火车同时从两地相对开出,甲每小时行一百二十千米,乙每小时行一百千米,相遇时两车的路程的比是多少,时间的比是多少.当两车行完全程时,它们的路程比是多少,时 should like to 与 would like to 是一样的意思吗?请做题:—Will you require anything else?—Yes.I____like a glass of beer.A.will B.shall C.should D.might 请把所有选项的意思都解释下吧,没有请标明没有, 两地相距六千千米甲乙两列火车从两地出发相向而行甲车每小时行驶一百千米乙车每小时行120千米两车在途中相遇后继续前进从相遇时算起两车开到对方的出发点各需多少小时? Jimmy ___ (look) very well He ___ (be) better.He ___(have) not a temperature.用正确时态填空,是3题,这3题没有关系。 the twins look after the dog very well 对划线部分提问 the twins是划线部分 怎样才能有好睡眠,让自己在上课时不打瞌睡 怎么把这几个划横线的弄掉 表现团结的歌曲有哪些啊? 什么叫助动词 什么叫助动词?/什么样的是? 是什么助动词多来几个例子,不要死概念 助动词 be do have.有什么区别.分别在什么时候用. 划横线的解释一下怎么算出来的, 划横线的地方是怎么计算的 高一数学22划横线的地方是怎么算的啊 I WoUld lIke tO bE wiTh Us...I WoUld lIke tO bE wiTh Us 知道的翻译下. 为什么一个单词两个音标?peddle / ˈpedl; ˋpɛdl/ 什么时候要用be或助动词,什么时候不用 高中英语改错题,一共10处I still remember how nervous I was on his first day in the new school three year ago .I found it difficult to follows my teacher in first English class. She spoke in English throughout the class,that was different fro 共10处错误I was in hotel near the beach.It had been very windy for a few hours and it have rained for two days.Sudden,the wind became much stronger.There were some tree across the road near the beach and they begin to move from side to side.The h 求初一至初三历史(人教版)或政治(粤教版)总复习提纲,一定要全面啊历史提纲一定要全面啊,6本书的每一个知识点都要详细的给出来 要粤教版的!