
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:22:01
总结“名词+数词”短语翻译方法(文言文) into They nine at o'clock the went classroom 连词成句 Lily will visit her grandfather next Sunday同义句Lily _________ __________ __________ visit he grandfather next Sunday很着急 请尽快回复 lucy and lily --------(not see)a film next? 冥王星被降级的原因是什么? You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed. where you are today in your life 这个是做定语?我觉得有点奇怪,因为我觉得you后面接定语为什么是where呢?好别扭啊,不应该都是who,that什么 清丰的经纬是多少?中星6B的经纬度是多少?卫星锅的角度应怎样调? He never_______ any land .Nor did he poss a house of his own.a owned b mastered c help d grasped 中星6B卫星上有多少个台?那个卫星上一共能收到多少台?我见别人家的有深圳、南方、广东……那些台,我家的怎么收不到?怎么收?参数是多少?懂得说下! 为什么一般疑问句第三人称用does后动词不加s 句子中有do\does,后面第三人称的动词还要不要加s? 疑问句前面用了does 后面动词还要+s么?He writes four letters to his wife every mouth.改为疑问句. greenman 是不是green light 的意思是不是就是绿灯的意思?can you see the green man?yes,cross the street.walk quickly!这个场景对话应该如何翻译? The boy ___ helps his mother do any housework,does he?No,he doesn't .A usually B always C rarely也翻译一下中文The boy ___ helps his mother do any housework,does he?No,he doesn't .He is so lazy.A usually B always C rarely D sometimes ( )------_____does he help his mother _____housework?------Twice a weekA.How long;of B.How often;with C.How often;doing D.How long;do 我家在甘肃酒泉的玉门镇  麻烦谁告诉 中星6b 经纬度 中星6B的经纬度和仰角!对于唐山市来说!谢谢!大锅的! 各中星经纬度 这句话怎么理解?(英语)我的意思是说第二句如果没有第一句话怎么理解正确Both schools are very nice. And neither school has anything the other hasn't got. 求个语文作文写的好的大虾教教我怎么写好作文,俺是高三的,考试作文老拉分咋办? 高考语文作文指导作文分数不高 写议论文光在讲理缺乏材料佐证 于是显得文章有空洞 想表达中心思想 可是三两下就说完 后面没什么可写 字数不够 或者文章后面一直罗嗦废话 高考语文作文开头怎么写好?一般现在给的都是材料作文我是用排比+比喻,排比+拟人,之类的修辞写一段有点文采的话作为开头(紧扣中心词),然后第二段提材料,引论点还是,直接开头提材料, First he put pn his hat ,then he ( )out of the house A.went B left要写原因 词汇题:He found his house______.He found his house______.A.robbed B.stolen为什么不用stolen 英语翻译Thus the observation of two bias regimes with different overall capacitance can be explained by a drastic drop of the resistance of the NPB layer at the critical voltage V0.This means that at the voltage V0 (which is still below Vbi) the 请问能不能帮我刚刚那篇论文摘要继续翻译一下啊? 我所在位置东经111.19度,北纬34.76度,接收中星6B卫星,方位角,仰角,极化角应该是多少啊! 有几个英语句子不是很明白 求解答1,Perhaps so much time has passed that there will never be satisfactory answers to the cave image. 我只知道that的用法一个是各种从句的引导词,另一个是有实际意义;在这个句子 这个问题我无法回答你.英语句子,这个问题我无法回答你.英语句子 . 三年级作文怎么教啊? 小学三年级的作文怎么教? light and