
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:46:21
A tear in your eyes I see your heart all the ocean you are a gorgeous short dream it is a cruel reahty , 维语翻译 Jinim,tugulgan kuning ga mubarak bolsun consolidation 英语翻译all registered auditors are welcome to email your questions,new suggestions,problem cases or new issues for discussion to joyce.chau@bsci-intl.orgon or before November 16,2012 17:00 for consolidation我就想知道最后这个For consolid A team of 15 Indian experts is organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians,most of _____ women.A.them B.them are C.whom D.that 如果把逗号去掉,加个and是不是就可以用B?我知道whom是不可以做主语的,定语从句就不成立.到底是 用自己的话解释一下同位语是什么? Baby you're the best in my Baby you're the best in my baby you re the best thing in my ..有谁能看懂呢 this kind of clothes is designed for ladies,____(特别)for young ladies i saw many women in the shop.they ___their favourite clothesI saw many women in the shop.They_their favourite clothes. A. are buying B. were buying C. have bought will go 和 be going to 的区别哪个是将来可能发生较大,那个是将来可能发生较小 In the praise for怎么造句In the praise of In praise forIn the praise for这三个怎么造句? 中国三大丧权辱国条约是什么? be going to 和will 的 用法一样吗?be going to 遇到Go改为goingwill呢改不改啊 There is a shelf in my study翻译 美国奢侈品标价比中国便宜吗? 单独的on request是什么意思啊 on request ,on a request ,in request the form will be sent to you A,on request b,on a request c,in request .provided on request.对应中文应是什么?原文:He's making me angry,although he'd be surprised that his hitherto minimal contribution to the conversation---a couple of "Sorrys"and his sister's first name,provided on request---could have provoke easy math questions--jst wanna the answer!216.Write each of the following as the sum of 2 prime numbers.17.The mathematician Christian Goldbach said that every odd number greater than 7 can be written as the sum of 3 prime numbers15=5+5+5or 15=3+5+7o easy math questions--jst wanna the answer!1emmmm~~ no translation plzz~~thanx!12. The numbers 29 and 31 are called twin primes because they differ by 2. List all twin primes less than 100.14. emmm~ jst tell me which of those r primes~~ PRETTY EASY easy math questions--jst wanna the answer!319.Make up ur own riddle.Include the word "odd","even","prime,"and" composite." .guess zats all~PLZZZZ do it quik~if not~..KACHA~im dead~haha~ 怎样汉泽英 request for 是物流的 forbidden request for:/ Math questions1.一次函数y=kx-3的图象与x轴交于点A,与y轴交于点B,△OAB(O为坐标原点)的面积为4平方单位,且函数y的值随x的增大而增大.求:(1) 点B的坐标;(2) 点A的坐标及k的值2.现计划把一批货物用一 以avoid造一个句子越多越好哦 中国本土奢侈品中国的古玩字画都属于是奢侈品,但中国是否有奢侈品品牌,如有,请例举几个.别说古井坊之类的哈. avoid difficulties帮忙造个句avoid difficulties这个单词,帮忙造个句子, 中国本土奢侈品品牌都有哪几个主要以中国元素为主的 can't和cannot这两个有什么区别没有~好像意思是一样的吧~能不能说的详细一点 cannot和can'tcan't可以解释为不可能,那么cannot可以解释为不可能吗